I’ve been without an Xbox for over a year and just finally got another one last month. Unfortunately I’m starting from scratch, no credits and all my Unicorns gone I don’t mind starting over again, didn’t take long to get some credits from racing online. But I am missing one thing only and that’s my Unicorn NSX. Does anyone know if they still give Unicorns from participating in the News section of the forums, and or, if they do, do they still give Unicorns to Forza 4 members through that?
Oh, one more question… Do we still report modders from Forza 4? I’ve seen a few modders since my return.
I’m some what new myself but if been told that you can win a set of all the unicorn cars from bug time muscle by doing a contest. I do believe its posted in the paint booth section of the forums.
Will i be able to get the Mazda RX-7 Spirit R in one way or another?
Still playing Forza 4, won’t get an XBOX ONE soon too. This is really hard trying to work, going out, and want to have Unicorn Cars in FM4. Played FM2/FM3/FM4/FH1 hundreds of hours, spending $$$$$ for all DLCs, and have to go on a forum to try to beat a guy i don’t know much how to participate in.
Sorry, computers and I are not best friends and french is my first language.
New comp will be up sometime soon. Not sure if there will be unicorns though? If you haven’t noticed, there’s also possibility to get 'em through photo or livery comp.
Livery is a big big waste of time for me. Photos are a better “investment”.
Anyway, the only car i’m after is the Mazda RX-7 Spirit R. Wish they could have a Cosmo (1990’s) with the 3-rotor in the game. Old classic cars of the best. Not the electronically controlled computers of 2015…
I’ll go update my post on the KoTT thread to ask that my Spirit R be sent to you (I’ve already got 3 of them, don’t need any more). I don’t know if they’ll do individual unicorns or not, but I’ll request it anyway and see what happens.
I’d like to apologize for getting your hopes up, I didn’t expect individual unicorn donations to not be allowed. Also be sure to check my latest post in the KoTT comp thread; the unicorns were sent out today and everything got messed up…
Regardless, the next time I win a set of unicorns I’ll be donating them to you. Just give me some time and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Are u able to send me a unicorn car for Forza 4 for the Unicorn achievement if that’s possible? I’ve been hoping turn 10 would gift me one but they haven’t, I don’t know if they still do or not. If you’re able to gift one that would be great!! PLEASE & THANK YOU.
Please read the first post in this thread, it’ll answer your question.
Also, the awesome guys over at Bigtime Muscle have been putting in some major effort to keep FM4 alive. Currently they’re running three different comps, all of which offer full sets of unicorn cars as prizes (as well as lots of CR) thanks to support from Turn 10. Be sure to check them out and you could easily attain an entire set of unicorns at the end of the month.
I’m trying to get the NSX-R GT and E46 M3 GTR as my first two unicorns cars for my collection among the 17 cars. And I’ll keep my eye out on these events!
Thank you turn10 for not storeing gamesaves online so any issues can easily be fixed
i returned to the game after a break and bought a car from the auction then all my issues started all my cars including my 15 unicorn cars were all blacked out and corrrupted all my designs and tunes and vinyls that i had worked on over 4 yrs so had to restart my game save from scratch and have lost all my cars tunes and designswith no way to get them all back
i need turn 10 to send me all the unicorn cars again that i had earned in the game which seems to get no response by support on this matter and now with forza 5 and 6 on its way i will be playing them also but i would love to have my forza 4 back to what i had it i have a lot of tunes that i wrote down over the years and a lot of them are for my unicorns so am now stuck with having to build up my account again from start as well as tuneing and designing yet again
please help me out turn 10 as you can fix this easily for us all forza 4 veterans and gift the unicorns back out