Under review again after 3hrs and Turn10 who doesn't care about 6 mails of a 28 years old person...

Is it a joke?

If you answer me than we don’t have to talk here again, about ban or something like under review, I’m clearly laughing on you if Turn10 isn’t capable to answer to 6 mails …

I was under review and block from the shop for One week, without explaination, without content who doesn’t respect the rules, without content from other players.

This friday at 9P.M. my account was unlock. Ok, great!
I put back MY stuffs and 3 hours later I see under review again.
Is it a joke?

No explaination, no answers and a stupid forum where you say me than we don’t have to talk about this…

I know you already get out Forza 5 so you don’t care about Forza 4 anymore but if a stupid bot block me again and again and again, I want some explainations and get back my money.

I bought the game 1 month ago maybe, and I’m not a young squeaker or something like this. I’m an honest citizen who pays his taxes, who works, I don’t cheat or do unrespect contents.
No! I’m just playing Forza 4 with some friends, so give me a real answer!

Also, I ask for a phone number (and not this stupid email) to talk with a real person.
I’m not the kind of person to leave his rights botched something I pay for.

Do your job and give me this answer I ask for, unlock my shop and give me this phone number or for sure I find one and I don’t leave Turn 10 like that.

My gamertag : Dje La Planque
Age : 28 years old
Work : Interior designer and designer in freelance (not a young direspectful rules).

PS : I already send this by email to your forzafbstupidmail !

Oh !

And if you need, I took some pictures of my TVscreen to show you than all content was made by me.

Items Under Review are being held by Turn 10 to be examined for possible violations of the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct. Such items include liveries or vinyls being sold without the approval of the original artist.

Turn 10 administers the consequences once examinations are completed, and neither any resulting ban or the enforcement of the Code of Conduct are discussed on the forums.