under review


if anyone can help me I have been put under review on forza 4.i do not understand why as all my storefront and auctions were all my own designs.im am not happy about this and would like some help on how to resolve this problem.i have tried to email forza but only get automatic replys.if any can help me it would be appreciated.




This is normally just jealous individuals reporting your designs/photos for the pure fun of it. Unfortunately, unless you can get through to T10 directly, then you will be stuck with that slot(s) being under review for good, as very few people I know who have been put under review ever got their slots back.

(I’ve been victim to jealousy on FM3 myself, so know how frustrating it can be.)

It would appear that the entire SF is shut down. Not just an individual item. This “usually” results from a breach of conduct like referencing drugs, sex or racism or some other unacceptable item


Thanks mate will keep trying.see if I can get it sorted.

I have not done owt like that.there just normal designs.i just won’t to no why.


Yes, the same reason as when you were banned in Horizon back in February, then April 7 in Forza Motorsport 4 - you keep trying to sell the same Designs belonging to the original creator without their permission. This second time in FM4 just bought you 30 days.
Hopefully, you will have learned. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to Turn 10 at forzafb@microsoft.com. Neither bans nor the enforcement of the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct by Turn 10 are discussed on these forums.
xHACHIK0: Unless you know the specifics of the actions, please refrain from making unfounded comments.