Unable To Join Session

Last night I was able to play online fine, today for some reason I cant and I cant fix the problem.
I keep getting an unable to join session error

Error image - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Ive tried the steps listed here and nothing works


I dont understand whats changed since I turned my PC off. The Xbox app says my teredo thingy is fine and I have internet access.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Please submit a ticket here and attach the error image. Also check your network status in the Xbox settings.

Or you could help me since there is literally no difference between submitting the ticket AND THE EXACT SAME INFO THAT IS ALREADY IN HERE!!! Or is it easier to hide your inability to make the game function properly on PC when its done through a ticket you can privately ignore?

As I said, my network status is fine. I can play all my other games online without an issue, the Xbox app says my connection is fine, it says the Teredo nonsense is fine, my windows firewall is active, I have no AV running or installed for that matter.

What possible difference does it make if I submit a ticket or not? If you managed to solve my problem here then the steps to solve would be available publicly and you would be able to direct further people to this thread in the future instead of making more work for your selves!

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Or you could just submit a ticket as requested instead of being rude where it can be passed along to someone that might be able to help you
It’s not her job to help every single person with multiple issues

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No one at PG Games can help me. That this very known issue that has been around since Horizon 3 exists is testament to that! Its pretty bloody obvious at this point that PG games and T10 have little concern for this game outside of fixing exploits but actual technical issues like the one where the game wont launch if you have the audacity to have an AV program installed on your PC, still exist!

Have you ever used the ticket system? Whats the point of the tech support forum when they all they ever do is say “submit tix plox” then ignore the ticket?

By all means though, white knight your self for the poor lass who is NOT doing her job.

Submitting a ticket allows the support team to keep track and observe alongside gather information about your account which you may not want out publicly on a forum.
Also there are a variety of articles on the website which may be able to solve a variety of bugs so it’s a good access point for information.

If you’re unsure whether to post on the support page or forums, choose the support page.


I wasnt unsure of where to post because I wanted this to be public because I wanted people to see just how unwilling you are to do anything to fix this game. The fact that years after Horizon 3 launched and would fail to run if you had AV and you STILL have that same issue with H4 just shows how little your support service actually bothers to do anything to fix this game. I had to delete Afterburner in order to get Horizon 4 to run because even with it installed it would fail to launch,

A known issue for years that I can 100% guarantee that you lot are doing nothing to rectify.

It is beyond disgusting that one day the game will function properly and then the next when literally nothing changed on my end the game stops functioning.

I have used your ticket system in the past for other issues and always get the same old “we are investigating thank you” response. Then I have to spend hours trawling through forums and videos looking for a solution that YOUR CUSTOMERS figured out for you while you sit there doing lord knows what!

they make you tu submit a ticket, then they do nothing, and they handed over to someone else, and what it’s worst, they put the status of solved. they totally ignore you. they have not solved the ranked team adventure sessions ever since the game came out!!!


I would like to kow how Forza horizon 4 users feel to be totally ignored about the ranked team adventure matching issues. Laet night we waiting to play only one session for abour 2 hours!!! Is this the service we deseve for what we are asked to pay this guys??? problem has been there since the game was release!!! Do you think there is a legal way to be hear I don’t care it’s microsoft, social media need to know this , and how customer support do nothing at all!!!

I addressed this question to Microsoft support and was told that unfortunately this is an internal Playground Studios affair and they cannot help.


This issue has beeb reported through your garbage ticket system by hundreds of players and all you guys are doing is clicking solved and writing we are looking into this issue so it would not matter if the customer who has purchased a faulty product from you guys submitted a ticket or not and instead of accusing the customer who needs help here rude and investing more time into your garbage response maybe you could have spent that time helping that customer with there issue as the forum title states technical issues!!! Before you loose all your customers due to your non-helpful responses and wasting there time…

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TRUE TRUE TRUE!!! they answer kindly, but don’t solve anything… FIX THE RANKED TEAM ADVENTURE MATCHING!!! I think today is an update, we will see if they solved that!!!

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I’m having this same issue on my Xbox One S. Haven’t been able to join a session for 2 days. Last time this happened I cleared the MAC address and it worked like a charm. No luck this time though. If anyone has solved the issue, I’d love to know how.
