[ANSWERED] Endless "Finding Session" Connection Error

So I bought FH4 around Christmas and played it fine for a month. Got the game in the US and then moved with it to Taiwan. No problems, was enjoying online play.

But since the recent Windows Updates about 2 weeks ago, I can no longer join an online session. AT FIRST, the game just had a harder time finding a session, but eventually it would connect. But now, I haven’t been able to connect in like 10 days. I AM able to use the marketplace, download cars and share my saves with the cloud, etc. But I cannot join online play.

I have checked for a few solutions online, and my Teredo IP seems to be having trouble. Under Settings > Xbox Networking > Check It, I get: “Teredo Unable to Qualify.” Unfortunately, using “Fix It” doesn’t help. I have seen some threads talking about modifying the registry and other solutions for this Teredo problem, but I wanted to post my FH4 error report here first, at least.

FH4 Error ticket

Awesome thanks

I’ve been having the same exact issue, the auction house doesn’t work none of the online features, its either “This is temporarily disabled” or “cannot connect”

did they fix it for you?


Please submit a ticket on our support site so we can assist.

Thank you