Unable to join session most times

This is beginning to be a daily problem, It only started a week ago.

Every time i start the game it fails to join a session, retry does nothing. When I check my network it says all services available.
My Internet is good, I have rebooted and left the console unplugged for a while etc etc and the problem persists.

The only way I have been successful is to select solo mode for 10 mins and then try to join and it works most times, sometimes it takes an hour of solo before it lets me join…
Whats up with this? I always get to join eventually but it always fails to join for the first 10+ attempts.
FH3 joins a session immediately, but I come back to FH4 and it fails, so it isn’t my network.

Is there a setting in FH4 to turn off being jerked around by the software? :slight_smile:

I got the same problem. Also started a week ago. Unable to join servers anymore… no compatible servers found.

And when I finally did find a session last night it popped up a note saying i have been disconnected whilst on the podium of a ranked drift adventure - this really sucks !

How about some support staff reply?

The in game notice told me to come here for support…

PS thanks to the mod who moved this thread away from everyone who may have suggested something to help.

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You Sir have the same problems has me.

Opened ticket whit no luck

Same issue here, along with Forza 7. Can’t connect to any games or servers. I’m on Google Fiber in Texas.

What ISP are you guys on, and what general location? Country and/or state, NOT home address.