Unable to Connect to Online

I was just playing yesterday, yet when I try to log on today, it’s telling me this:
Unable to join session.
Please visit forums
Quality of Connection: Success (15 Locations)
Region: Failed (OxO)
IPSEC: 0x00000000

Please Retry this operation

if anyone could help me resolve this issue, that would be awesome.

Problem Fixed itself in the next few days, all is better now, not sure why.

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i have the same problem too

Same here, about 20 minutes ago I was playing online and it kicked me out, now I can’t join session

Same, not been able to join for the past 40 minutes and was playing up for about an hour before it went completely.

same here…

i was never able to join any multiplayer event, i dont unterstand why though…
Got the game for 2 weeks now and it NEVER worked…