UI Scaling (menu and hud) size, location, transparency

So looking into some settings (files) and thought id have a play with the UI Scaling, Although really its just the menu and UI. this got me thinking …
IT would be good to build on this option in game… iv searched and couldn’t see it… I am getting old so eyes failing… maybe

But the UI scaling is literally making the menus/hud smaller or bigger as one unit, it doesn’t actually shrink the UI and keep the details in the set corners or with a “Pixel Range” …

as you can see from the images iv added below, oddly if in car; it did make this feel more immersive as you’re view didn’t feel cluttered. and the UI was smaller in the darker spaces… it was really nice…

but the follow cam just felt clumsy yet playing the point im looking at the most was in the same range, so really i could look at the stats with out having to look to the corners., so its hard to choose, really it would be nice to have the “shrunk” UI back in the corners. or options.

Menus… So really the UI Scale just shrunk the menu, (all overlay) I really really like the reduced menu, looks odd with the background outlines, and the loading screens go funky…

I would really like the option of making the menus more transparent, especially in the pitlane, either the menu background or menu entirely , a slider to choose between 0% to 60% translucent.,

the in race UI is cleaner and less in your face, so if we could get a UI scale slider for Size, and maybe a choice of 3 or 4 position layouts for UI, say :

Far corners, 20% depth , 30% and 40% depth

FM23 UI Scale Main Menu

FM23 UI Scale loading Screen

FM23 UI Scale Pit Menu

FM23 UI Scale Pit Menu Car detail

FM23 UI Scale Track Follow Cam

FM23 UI Scale In car Driver Cam