Turn10 doesn't read/respond to emails.

I’ve seen moderators of this forum lock threads of people who have legitimate questions or concerns directed at turn10 (most of the time it’s because it’s a dupped thread which is understandable) and the moderators always say email turn10 at forzafb@microsoft.com.
So I figured since there is very little Turn10 involvement with the community via Forza forums I thought they may read and respond to emails they receive from players. Well here’s what I think. At 3:23PM I sent an email to T10 and at 3:25PM I got an automated message back from Turn10. I, along with many others have sent emails to them regarding things only to get an automated response back, and if that is the case I believe it is highly unlikely that they actually read these emails. I don’t know why there is very little turn10 involvement with us the players via forums or email, and I hate to be blunt, and I dislike putting it like this because I’m not the type to make threads ragging on anyone or such, but it’s starting to look like… 1. T10 is not listening to the community and ignoring what we’re saying. 2. Seeing what we are saying and just not responding/updating what they’re doing about it because they’re too busy (seems logical), but this game has been out for almost 3 months and there has been little response or things done to the many questions players have asked and problems that have came up.

Here is the email I sent to turn10 as well as the response I got back

"Hey T10, I’m just wondering when you guys are going to fix the glitches in this game. So far it seems there have been very few updates to fix problems that have been in the game since launch. One thing I find very peculiar is that when January car pack DLC was released there were glitches with the cars, caterham etc. those of which were fixed days after the DLC was released but there hasn’t been any fix to the glitches/bugs that have been in the game since launch. It would also please me if Turn 10 could be more active in the community and tell us things you are attempting/going to fix instead of leaving all the players hanging wondering if you’re even reading what we have said on the forums. There has been very little response to the players from Turn 10 regarding issues they’re working on, or if they’re even acknowledged them. Things that have been in the game since launch and need fixing, since it has already been 2 1/2 months since the game has been released I would’ve thought they’d be fixed by now.

  1. Driver level glitch after level 255 where you reset to level 1. I thought Forza 5 was totally revamped compared to Forza 4, So why does it have this same bug?
  2. Game crashing in the lobby that restarts the game 50% of the time when you click the vote to kick option on other players, very annoying. The vote to kick option needs to be like it was on Forza 4 where if someone voted to kick a player it would pop up on screen like a map vote. I don’t know why this wasn’t implemented in Forza 5.
    3.Paint glitches on numerous cars.
    This just scratches the surface as to some of the problems since launch.
    It seems as if Forza 5 has less content than Forza 4, why is this? Was the game hard pressed to meet the launch of the Xbox one?

Please give me a response back (not an automated one) as I haven’t seen much T10 involvement with the community on the forums. I would like an answer and to see what is going to be done with this game in the future about these issues.

Thanks for reading
Xbox Gamertag: I Steal Toilets"

Here is the response I got back within 2 minutes later.

"Thank you for contacting Turn 10 Studios. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we cannot individually respond to all e-mails sent to us. If you have a question about a Xbox LIVE or Forza Motorsport Terms of Service, please see the following links:



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If anyone has actually got a non-automated reply from Turn10 regarding an issue other than DLC, I would be happy if you could post it here. thanks

They read them, they don’t have to answer your questions but they are read.

Thread locked as we are informed to do so, do not create another.