Turn 10 and the Upload team want to see your cool Upload Studio clips

We’re working with the team at Upload on an upcoming feature for the Upload App on Xbox One, and we’re after the best Forza Motorsport 5 videos created by the community via Upload Studio.

If you’ve created something cool well then we’d like to see it, whether it be an epic moment during a race, a walkthrough of your favourite car/track, or perhaps even a showcase of an amazing paint you’ve done, we want you to tell us.

To point us in the direction of your videos please leave your gamertag and clip name, along with a short description of the video in the thread. A Skydrive link to the video would be great too if you have one available.

Oh and finally, for obvious reasons we won’t be able to use any videos that feature any kind of profanity so please don’t submit those :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see what you share with us, but time is short so if you have anything to post please do it before Sunday Feb 2nd


Nevermind, upload studio.

C’mon, surely some of you must have some cool Forza videos on Upload studio? :slight_smile:

I’ve got some cool multiplater replays from Forza 4, dont know what the score is with 5 though, cant suss it out.

for the TORA Charity Bathurst 1000km being one of the two active Australian’s on the Forums, I gave a walk-through of the Bathurst Circuit in a Commodore driven by CQR Aero;

Cool video! Is it available on Upload though? If it is can you tell me the gamertag of the person who uploaded it along with the name of the video please :slight_smile:

GT: Mike V 1987
Clip name: FM5 B Class Racing

I joined a B lobby last night to try out an 02’ Camaro SS I picked up. It ended up being me vs another player for pretty much every race, we kept trading race wins back and forth and left the rest of the lobby in the dust. We did not see much of each other on track though because we always started far away from each other, until we went to Bernese alps. We started pretty close to each other and it ended up being a 3 lap sparring match between me and him. I saved the clip of one of our closest moments, we were inches away from each other doing over 90mph through T1 on Alps Full. we both treated each other with respect the whole race. One of the best experiences in FM5 i’ve had so far.

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No cool clips here but I did create a lap on Silverstone International.

Car: Lotus Exige
Track: Silverstone International
Lap Time: 1:10.597


Working on uploading to skydrive a “Multi Clip” at present, using “Subrau BRZ” with my Falken drift car design… It has some pretty epic drift entrys, previously a drifter in Forza 4, this came some what easier to master than some have found it…
I don’t wish to toot my own horn because i am not as skilled as some out there, but you asked for kool stuff i thought it was so i am willing to share.
Did i mess up a few times, did i leave that out lol ? yes…
I will EDIT this post and update with the links as soon as its complete.

There are 4 clips taken from replay mode “outside the car” catalunya full, 1 replay inside cockpit view, indy full.

My Kool Video << Watch me please :slight_smile:

My appologies on the video craftman ship, i know not of editing… so its a very bland and abrupt cut to each clip taken.

I made these 3 videos for practicing a while back. Never thought of sharing them before.

http://sdrv.ms/1fi33Jz :
^ All 3 are shared in this link.

GT: strife67 (me)

I thought this was a pretty good clip. Titled it FM5 A Close Shave in Upload studio.


Was pretty lucky in this online race, dodged two wrecks by a hair with no damage :slight_smile: Jumped from 12th to 6th place with no effort! Probably the best moment I’ve had playing online in Forza.

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Wow I love this one

Really like the upload studio.
Looking forward to more editing abilities.
This short clip took me 2 hours to make and I hope the community enjoy it.

This is how I spend about 4 hours a night every night, Tandem Drift!

Gamertag: SergeantPounder
Upload Studio Video Name: FM.net TANDEM DRIFT

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OLD* Forza Motorsport 5 fastest A class 1/4 mile, new one on my channel. - YouTube (I’ve beaten this time with a 8.250 but it’s cool none the less)

Not sure how to do this could you post a guide on how to link the video from skydrive please

Skydrive - Go Here

This should take you to your skydrive assuming your logged in you can find what your looking for under videos assuming you have uploaded a clip :slight_smile: Hope this helps.


My bad also look for sharing, choose the option to get link… It is next to your video, look on the right of your video that plays.

This clip is from a 40 lap race I did at Road Atl a month ago. I’m coming towards the finish line on lap 5 driving the Lotus E21. The drivatars end up wrecking & I have to avoid the situation. Thrustmaster TX was being used.

Just adding a few random clips since you didnt get that many yet. As much as I love the whole idea of recording and editing gameclips, right now the GameDVR and Upload Studio quality is so horrible its not much fun, especially with fast games like Forza.
Basicly the three clips I link are those with the lowest amount of artefacts, not really the criterion Id like to go by. :/ I hope they add quality settings and multi-editing that isnt restricted to 3 or 5 clips.

GT is Binurah

Exige vs. X-Bow, Clipname exige.mp4

Lauda Ferrari Spa, Clipname f174b.mp4

Head to Head with the Stig, Clipname itsnotthestig.mp4

Gamertag: IRT Swerve

Upload Studio Clip name: last corner pass
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1aQP806
Description: Last corner pass at Indy Oval between myself and a fellow driver in poorly handling 1970 challengers. It was a tight battle to the very end with the him being at my door at the start/finish line.

Upload Studio clip name: bad drivatar
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bO2mp7
Description: Career mode race where the drivatar in front got a tad bit too aggressive. It was a close call for sure. You’ll have to check it out. :wink:

Upload Studio clip name: daredevil
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1dhD7LK
Description: Multiplayer race where I was making my way through slower traffic and had to resort to an off-course move that you don’t usually see. Thankfully my car handled pretty well.

Upload Studio clip name: threading it
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bicx8u
Description: Multiplayer race where two of my teammates are 1st and 2nd in a close battle and I zoom right on by in between the two cleanly to temporarily take 1st.

Upload Studio clip name: 2 flips
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bid4aE
Description: Multiplayer race at LeMans Bugatti where I flip twice in the race in the same section of the track. I combined each flip clip to a singular clip and timed it to where I’m flipping at the same time but in opposite directions. It’s a pretty funny driving fail on my part. This is probably the best clip I have.

Upload Studio clip name: dj chris fail
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bidAFy
Description: Multiplayer race with teammates where we are way out in front and bored. I’m intentionally driving bad, but that’s nothing compared to my teammate who trys to take me out, but instead flys over me. Pretty funny stuff. Who said GMC’s can’t fly?

Upload Studio clip name: threading the needle
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bie8uY
Description: Career race where I executed a quad perfect pass combo of sorts while threading the needle. Clip features the special edition Mountain Dew Camaro.

Upload Studio clip name: uh oh
Link: http://sdrv.ms/1bieUbo
Description: Career race where I accidentally spin out on the last corner, but I stay calm a use just enough throttle to get it spun in the right direction just before 2nd place comes to challenge me. This was also on the last lap too and 2nd place came pretty close to passing me.

GT: badmatze69
Clip Name: Mountain Dew Camaro

I just love the Livery so i decided to make a short video with that car. Its on Upload because i dont know when uploading to Skydrive if it appears in Upload as well.