Tuning - Spring stiffness tune value changes after player adjusts Fuel load (1822399)

Next time it happens again I’ll be sure to take a screenshot.

Spring ratio
Anti squat

Series x
Version- 1.604.3091.0 and previous versions since release date.

Saved setup, set fuel and tires, did a few laps.

Come back to garage to make adjustments, spring ratio is off.

I think this bug becomes noticable when changing your fuel load. The sliders of the spring ratios are set at a certain point on the slider (not the specific value). When adding/removing fuel, the total weight of the car changes and with that the spring ratio. Using upgrades to change the weight of the car gives the same result.
For anti squat I don’t have an explanation, it could be due to the center of gravity changing because of fuel and/or upgrades?

But yes, I’ve experienced this too. Voted!


Even the anti squat tho? Do a race or something and come back and it’s -49. Something :sweat_smile: giving out my secrets here

I have noticed when you save your tune manually and delete the auto save tune it don’t do it as often…

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If I reduce the amount of fuel in free play and then select tuning, the spring rate is automatically reduced. If I set the amount of fuel back to 100%, the spring rate is back to normal. If I use fuel over several laps while driving and select tuning while driving, the spring rate is not reduced. It doesn’t matter which car or track you are on. Is this a bug or is it intentional?

I experience this too
it happens in featured multiplayer
I think it is indeed based on percentage or ticks on the bar, they don’t move
and I think the singleplayer and multiplayer tuning models are different

here is me applying an SP tune, shows 100 at first, backing out and going in corrects the numbers to 96.2
then I apply the exact same tune, except saved within an multiplayer session, backing out and in again, it corrects numbers to 100.1(acceptable???)

the change with fuel load seems legit
max spring values can be 20kg++ higher with full load

read video description to follow easier

It’s not bug, it’s feature, maybe not realistic, but rly usefully. Spring rate is just saved as % values of car total weight (including fuel), it’s just translated to us to show in realistic values.

Every time u change car weight while tunning, or by changing fuel level, it will “adjust” it’s spring rate to car weight.

The benefit of this is that u don’t have to retune spring rate every time u change something In your car, or when u change fuel level.

Also during race u have no changes to how suspension works when fuel level changes.

yes, the fuel thing is a feature
but my spring change happens after changing exactly: nothing
always after loading a tune, im having to re-adjust/re-apply/check/re-save/re-load… and often still changes after that loading
-also, spring values change from track to track? also an feature?
-changing any tuning setting does NOT affect spring value(excluding fuel)
-in singleplayer, these issues are not there and all values seem solid

Hmm interesting, the only time my spring values changed was when I changed fuel level or when car weight changed because of different parts.

U can check if maximum prong value stays the same, since max values is also weight dependent.

In an effort to increase time effectiveness, promote tune sharing and have less clicks while tuning it would be super helpful to have an option to keep the fuel levels consistent or dynamic while tuning.

An option in the settings menu for fuel weight (thus spring rate) to remain at a constant level for only the purposes of entering the tune screen:

“On” and a fuel % slider bar for a constant fuel weight while in the tuning screen

“Off” for dynamic fuel weight so the spring rates actively reflect the fuel weight during tuning.

As someone who is really trying to learn the complex skill of tuning their own cars on a track by track basis it’s a pain to have to adjust the fuel levels back to 100% every. single. time. you make a tuning change.

As is currently my experience is enter the tuning screen, make a few changes, realize the weight isn’t consistent, back out of the tuning menu, confim you don’t want to apply new setup changes, select fuel/tires, slide the fuel to 100%, back out of the fuel/tire menu, select tuning menu, adjust the tune, apply the tune, go back into the fuel/tire screen and adjust the fuel weight back down to the laps associated with the specific race you’re preparing for. Every single time I make a tuning change.

I want to be competitive while racing, spend more time racing and minimize time tuning. this simple change would be a massive help.

Change in race difficulty setting to ones that turn off tyre wear and fuel use. Then your fuel level won’t change.

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that’s a great solution for free play and other solo game modes. unfortunately it’s not an option in the online pre race lobbies where last minute track specific tune adjustments occur and time management is a factor.

Idk man, I always use default tune settings with minor changes, and never cared about fuel load, and most of times I win. Maybe u should focus more of improving driving skills, and not spend hours of fine tunning one car for one race, well different story if u want to make tone for RIVALS, but there u don’t need to care about fuel.

I’ll definitely be sure to do that. regardless of the justification fuel affecting spring rates in relation to tuning acuracy is an oversight within the game that I would like to see changed.

There’s also another workaround, when tunning, save spring values in excel as %value (current setting/max spring value), and when u are going to change settings, just change it based on % value, and then this % value multiply by current max spring rate. Since springs always keep same % value regardless of current car weight. (They could make it easier and just change springs rate to be from 10% to 100% (yes min spring is always =10% max), or at least give option to show springs values as % value for eg. 35,48% front 36.78% rear. Translating % values to real life settings is unnecessary.