Spring Rates changing after every session

Xbox series X

After every session I have to go back in and adjust my sping rates, sometimes it’s a little and sometimes it’s significant. As soon as I get into a race I’ll check them and they are off from what I previously saved, so I change them back. Do qualifying and check before the race starts and they have changed again. Go back in and fix them then race. Move on to the next race and it happens all over again. It’s been in every car I’ve run today. Spring rates will absolutely not stay at were I set them.

The spring rate numbers will change based on fuel percentage, though the sliders will be in the same position. One of forza’s quirks.
same deal if you change the weight reduction, the sliders will still be at the same point, but the numbers change in relation to the more/less weight.
the actual numbers are less important than the actual position and ratio between front and rear.


Point is it shouldn’t change… we do the math for our suspension settings why can’t it be left alone? Nothing more annoying than having to change everything. It used to affect my anti squat but not recently.

you could look at it like it is doing the micro adjustments for you according to mass changes. The math you used would still be the same accounting for weight difference.
I’m not saying its not confusing as heck that its done this way, but it is, and the numbers are arbitrary at best.

I’m still set on it shouldn’t change regardless. And in the past it even changed my anti squat it has no business changing anything on my setup regardless of fuel. Leave my setup be :rofl:.

We are on the same page lol

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They auto adjust based on fuel level. Weight. Is pretty silly, but here we are. Needs to go away. Immediately. Also, if you set your car too low they’ll adjust to make sure it doesn’t bottom out. Why they do this with spring rates is beyond me. Should be done with bump/compression damping.

Weird decisions all around far as this handling model goes.

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Anyone ever experience a slow tune? I mean like I Got setups saved w my best lap times and this one race on Daytona tonight I couldn’t even get close to my mph or times. But earlier today it was just fine… :person_shrugging:

Yes i can confirm that.
Sometimes you also will get random slow lap times even you drive the same as always.
Idk why this happens, but it feels as if the car suddenly changed tyres for hards or lost aero.

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