Trial 22092022 - 29092022

Anyone else having issues being disconnected during the trial? (lost the first one courtesy of team mates knocking me off of the track, but got disconnected from the second one, guessing it’s just a server issue but figured I’d check)

As an aside @SummeryDaisy445, any chance you can remind me of the car/tune you’re using for this one please? (currently using the Senna)

Senna is good, I used the Pagani Zonda Cinque. Tune by Bdrifty.
Good luck. :crossed_fingers:

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Much appreciated, cheers :slight_smile:

Thankfully we won this one 2/1, so at least it’s out of the way, don’t have to do it again lol.

Thank you again @SummeryDaisy445 :heart:


Don’t need the car/credits, just hate seeing things incomplete (OCD can’t take it lol)

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