Treasure Hunt Fine Tuned In Pictures.
Challenge: Comment below with what you think is required for this treasure hunt based solely on the pictures below.
Treasure Hunt Fine Tuned In Pictures.
Challenge: Comment below with what you think is required for this treasure hunt based solely on the pictures below.
I often complete treasure hunts by watching 2 minute run thrus such as the following: TREASURE HUNT FINE TUNED Forza Horizon 5 Treasure Hunt Fine Tuned FH5 Chest Location (Spring) - YouTube
Interested to see if this method is better or worse.
you are missing the tuning aspect. Instead of the picture showing the car select filter, I would show a picture of the gear ratios, rearranged from default.
You’re not wrong and that point is arguably the most important. My reasoning was that most players favorite cars would be fined tuned so select any.
You need to drive an underrated A class car?
Haha . I knew I was going to cop flak for selecting the BS lol.
this treasure hunt just auto completed, without me doing anything :>
So far as I can tell, you just need to do any sprint race in any tuned car. I used a B700 tuned Buick Regal.
Well done. So we’re you able to conclude that based solely on the images above?
That was my conclusion from the vaguely-worded clue when I did this event last night. It seemed to work, so that is what I running with.
Ok Looks like I’m 0/4 so far lol
Ferrari 250 California it is. A car that should never be touched.
Edit: kept it pure looking and B class. Did the Dunas Blancas Sprint so I’d have a nice 20+ km drive to the chest with a speed zone and some nice smooth and naturally drifty roads on the way. Enjoyed that.
It’s not working for me just try it nothing happeing?
If it’s not working for you then see Fine tuned treasure chest is bugged