Thanks mate… nice to hear a compliment, sadly I’m still very slow in the paint area, easy lose 5-7hrs each… hence I tend to paint what I want if there is no decent paints already for said model, seems to be so few paints out there compared to older Forza games
Both are shared now… just go to car make and model then search by my gamertag ONR shane UK
Thanks for the compliment, as requested and since my mate General Swift had a tune ready I have indeed transferred to the 04 but with a slight twist of the white now being brushed alloy colour…
Think my next design will be cartoon network Adventure time, my 6yr old is pestering me lol!! after I did him a Regular Show design last game…
Hey Kat how are you… we still have your paint you did of Camron as a baby along with photos and the video clip of the ad he was featured on lol!!! pretty cool as he is 6 now so understands it a bit better… needless to say he is pretty darn good at games already… however mum brought The new Lego move game on Xbox One!!! was hoping to keep him on 360 grrrr…