Thrustmaster TX Addons?

where can I get the shifter and the pedals?

ive looked everywhere i cant even pre-order?


I’m waiting since end of September (ordered T3PA and TH8S) and my supplier keeps postponing the estimated delivery by 3 weeks, every time on exactly the day when it should have been sent (happened 3 times already, next date is 11th of Dec). I’ve send them some angry emails asking for an explanation and they finally came up with the explanation that Thrustmaster seem to have some serious manufacturing issues, that’s why TM are currently struggling to meet the demand and also explains why there’s such a confusion around the delivery date. I don’t know if these manufacturing issues are of technical nature or if TM is just extremely cautious with their production output to prevent that they gonna end up sitting on a huge pile of TX addons without enough market demand (burned child perhaps?)

Anyways, according to TM support, both products should be available in December, but no one knows if it will be enough to satisfy all the pre-orders.

Best is you pre-order it now at a big supplier like Amazon and hope that they get enough items to process your order as well.