Ya’ll know what to do
Love these threads and seeing what others can do. I’ve posted mine a couple of times elsewhere, so this will be the last time I post it:
That’s sweet.
Mind = Blown! Unreal! Awesome shot DevlinGFS…awesome shot!
Mind = BLOWN! Awesome shot DevlinGFS! Awesome shot!
Thanks! Still getting the hang of the photo mode, I’m more of an art style kinda guy, but I’m loving the variety the day / night cycle and weather bring to the game.
A couple more that I don’t think look to bad.
On the Mustang headlight I really should have used less aperture, but realism wasn’t the aim, just to get a cool shot but I think it looks real enough:
Perhaps I should have used more aperture to blur the cockpit on the ST, but surprisingly the vinyls don’t look to bad:
Bonus - I like how the light is picked up on the details in this one, lends itself pretty nicely to a realistic magazine advert or something:
This Supra looking good i love it!!
Good job
Love the Supra shot!!
I only played for 20 min, so I haven’t gotten a chance to really play around with the game, yet. However, I love the way H2 looks! I could be mistaken, but I think it looks better than FM5…was never a fan of the overly saturated colours and the exaggerated lighting effects…Horizon 2 looks amazing! This is gonna be fun!
Are those new wheels?!
Mate those RIMS are sexy!!! Deadset beautiful
What do I win? Joking aside, the level of detail for something you never see is ridiculous. Dat face!
This is awesome. Some more Supra magic I see! I’m currently messing around with the Williams Clio (awesome little car) but non of my Horizon 2 images are showing up in the gallery now, is it the same for everyone else? Hope they are not fixing the watermark! lol
Speechless. This is beyond incredible. I like how they have removed the logo from the top-right of the picture, it really does make it that one step closer to being real.
The composure of this shot is great!
Thanks man! I full out panic braked when I saw this spot when I was cruising. Funny thing about this shot, it’s been posted a couple places and people keep mistaking it for being real.
The composure of this shot is great!
Thanks for the compliments.
Here is another photo i took. I can’t get the sky to look the way i want but the rest of the image i think is pretty good. The ultima is also one of my fav cars so far in this game.
for a comparison here is a photo i took of a real one.
So if you ask me turn 10// playground game have outdone themselves… such a gorgeous game. I remember with the first horizon stuff looked repetitive. While you still can get some repetition in this game its a lot more diverse and i love every minute of it so far!

What do I win? Joking aside, the level of detail for something you never see is ridiculous. Dat face!
The bottom photo!!! I mean its not real but, C’MON!!!
iHomie, how much gold do you require for these settings! please name your price
I love the fact that Horizon 2 doesn’t leave a watermark…I, too, hope they aren’t adding it back in.
Great shots everyone