The Downfall of Forza Motorsport

Just watched this. Basically tells all about the climate here regarding the game. It’s a good watch if you have about 40 minutes to spare.

Am I the only one who thought FM6 with sim steering was peak Forza Physics? The cars actually turned (front grip?), and power oversteered if you weren’t careful with the throttle. It was more of a balancing act than FM7 and ‘23.


It’s one of the reasons FM6 remains my favorite Motorsport.


I didn’t care for Simulation steering at all, but replace “sim steering” with “awesome rain puddles” in that sentence and you’re speaking my language.


UltraViolet has also dropped a lengthy and more scathing critique. However, due to the frosty reception of his videos here (read: they delete them), I can only link to his channel page. It’ll be the newest video.


On first watch, I find it difficult to disagree with any aspect of his critique tbh, and it just reinforces my deep disappointment in how much this franchise has declined.

Agreed :rofl:


This one unfortunately is right on the nose…


Terrific video (as was Fast Miner’s as well). Always like Quack’s sections in these particularly.

My thoughts exactly. They should just take the L and work on the next installment. This game is beyond repair.


I want to agree with that wholeheartedly, but I feel like there are deeper issues of lost trust and betrayal that simply moving on to the next installment won’t come close to fixing. Turn 10 has to work, and work harder than they ever have before, to prove that they should be trusted again. Actually admitting that they screwed up and then doing whatever it takes to get people to believe in them again (and to a large enough degree that a new installment can be justified) is the only way to get to that goal.


CD Project Red announced a Metro before release of Cyberpunk
3 Years after the Cyberpunk release it finaly got the Metro with the latest Update 2.1
because CD Project Red’s devs have a passion for that genre and for the game…

the sentence “From the Ground Up” is just an open container everbody projected his racinggamedream into…

I always said: “don’t expect to much at the release” but nobody could imagine it will be that worse

honestly I don’t have much hopes something like Cyberpunk happen to FM
T10 didn’t even announced anything fancy before release…

FM in three years?
40 Tracks, 1000 Cars, a bunch of new race/game modes, QoL to the max, FM overtaken GT7 by a lot?

imho ain’t gon happen

if FM don’t die it is maybe a okish game in three years


Oh give me a break…it not as bad as you are trying to make it.It suffers from lack of content for sure and some pc’s are having a rough time running it properly,and it has a progression system not everyone is ok with.They can add content and that’s what they need to do,and much quicker than they are would be nice.Bug squashing happens with 90% of new releases,this game has more bugs than most,but I’m sure given time most will be patched out.There are examples of games released to frosty receptions being redeemed,why not this one too?The progression system is staying…at least for now,they seems to think it is part of ‘their vision’.If enough people keep whining they may remove it… The main issue I have is the utter lack of tracks,I love the way it plays,but there is just not many tracks to choose from and it gets old quick.I don’t like ovals so I am down that number of tracks too… I’m on the train of thought that thinks this game can be fixed and boosted to new heights with much needed content and fixes,not the hate train that some people jumped on…


thing is they arent and wont add anywhere near enough content to make this game actually fun. They need to double the tracks, playlists for MP and add an actually career mode within the next 3 months otherwise it wont be salvagable.


The nonsensical upgrade system is what’s going to kill this game at the end of the day. The bugs will be patched and they’ll keep adding content, but none of that matters as long as we have to mindlessly run laps for 3 hours for the privilege of upgrading a single car.


Without trying to be your antagonist - do you really think this is the title they advertised and promised?
What’s with the lack of communication many weeks after launch?

I can totally forgive the lack of content or the missing features or the bugs or the fact that it feels like an early access alpha. I can even forgive the fact that it’s totally underwhelming visually and the audio is lacking - but I don’t understand why they don’t talk to their community - people who paid money for their game…to address some of the very reasonable issues people are raising here.


tracks will be added thats imho not the main issue

for me the main issue is the lack of basic racing game functionality:
tripple screen, VR, virtual mirror in cockpitview, radarhud, spotterradio, teamradio, full raceweekend in freeplay, adjustable seatposition, sandboxmodus to race/testdrive fulltuned outside the progressionsystem, mp-spectatorcam, 40+ player mp, drift, drag, hillclimb, liveryeditor, racingschool, freeplay championships, mp championships, UI overhaul etc.
you don’t even have all tire temps in the telemetry data

its just to much and most of the things will never added to the game
because nothing changed from ground up in Forza Motorsport


right on - I just went back to AC from 2014 - with some additional plugins for shaders, lighting effects and weather - etc…

It’s got more immersion and ‘motorsport’ features crammed into a single session than I have seen in dozens of hours in Forza.

The attention to little details like grass flicking up onto your windshield when you run wide, or gravel rattling loose for half a dozen seconds after you ditch it in a gravel trap (yes I’m bad at racing games).

I personally again can live with a lot of this - but it’s difficult to stomach while they fail to address multiple game-breaking bugs patch after patch.


It’s not a “hate train”, it’s a bunch of frustrated gamers who’s games don’t work properly, or at all. Ultra Violet hit the nail on the head, this game is full of flaws that make it unplayable to a large audience. I play full simulation, and manual + clutch still hasn’t been fixed yet. What’s the point of having the clutch work except when shifting gears where it’s not needed for race transmissions? It’s also faster than normal manual.

The car models need to be redone, the physics are too understeery and not revolutionary, the sounds are bad/wrong. The tracks have the same tire marks as FM5-7 on track.

This game is dead, barley anyone wants to talk about it or play it. It will get better, but at the rate they’re going. It will be too late. Nurburgring with the new physics isn’t going to save the game either. People are going to say “this feels off”. Because the cars won’t carry the same speed through corners like FM5-7.

They need to do a lot in a short amount of time, and it’s just not feasible. Waiting a week for a bug fix that’s ready now isn’t ethical either.

Like Ultra Violet, myself, and others have been preaching, T10 needs tough love to get in gear and deliver. We want Forza to be what it’s meant to be, and that is at the top of it’s class and right now it isn’t.


One of the videos theorizes “something” must have happened during Forza Motorsport’s development to release in such an unfinished and almost unplayable state.

I agree.

I’ve theorized that “something” may have been Covid, but even so, that still doesn’t excuse what we got because other games released during the pandemic and were fully playable with minimal bugs and a standard offering of content. I’m talking AAA, AA, indie games. So, the lockdown excuse isn’t good enough for why FM released in an almost still-born state.

I think something else besides Covid, happened?

Maybe T10 was too ambitious?
Maybe the R&D just didn’t work out?
Maybe they didn’t have a large a budget because Forza Horizon has become the flagship title?
Who knows?

We can sit here and say, T10 is lazy, and FM was always going to be a copy & paste of FM7, but I don’t believe this was the case.

What makes me believe this is the six-year development cycle.

If they started development shortly after FM7, in 2018 (to allow for DLCs), and then Covid hits two years later (2020), throwing everything into disarray, this then leaves only three years of actual development that may not have been enough for the version they wanted to release instead of what we have.

If it were originally going to be a copy paste of FM7, that wouldn’t take six years. They would do just that: Copy and paste, with some new additions, features and call it a day.

This all might seem like a moot point, but it’s important because what happened during the development may effect future development in ways we don’t know, for better or worse.


I was thinking that too, maybe pressure from Microsoft to get the game out put them in a bad position. I’d like to know what happened in the future if they don’t make it out of this mess.


So, why the coy behavior and mind games, then? If things had really gone so sideways, why not just admit that? Even now, with sentiment pretty hard against them, if they just came right out and told the truth…things would probably be in a better spot.

It goes back to something I said yesterday - they are too busy acting like horribly unscrupulous salesmen when they should be acting like developers. Turn 10’s strong aversion to being honest and upfront about matters are going to doom them. It probably already is dooming them.