Text-based chat, pls!

Can’t help but wonder why FH4 and FH5 have no normal chat to be able to talk to the other players. Having 4 customizable chat functions is very far from enough. I for one don’t like voice chat, mostly for the reason it doesn’t filter echo and other bad noises, not to mention no individual volume control and that’s why I prefer the traditional chat.
I know there will be some who would use the chat to insult players but that’s easily correctable: by enabling a filter for bad words in game options and an “ignore player” option in the chat itself.
Every single online game I’ve ever played (racing or otherwise) has a normal text-based chat, so I really don’t understand why FH’s don’t have any.

No, thank you.

I’m glad I don’t have to be subjected to the stupidity that would no doubt be the in game chat in a game with most children playing it… what could possibly go wrong?

(I mean, this forum alone should be enough reason to never do this… LOL. )


What no, thank you?

They could make lobbies for children and adults then or something with a filter.

Even kids 13+ wouldn’t be toxic I think, since its not a competitive game where u get triggered from stuff or have to lose anything, no?

They can just add a mute button anyway, lol.

There has to be a solution for this and im looking for an improved free roam since Forza-Horizon 2.

I felt a bit lonely in 4 because of this and this is like the main reason im skipping 5 now.

It would literally make me buy Forza-Horizon 5 if they add text-chat to hang around with people in free-roam as a mainly drifter, chill, social guy who likes to make liveries as a form of art and would like to discuss about it with other people, because there is not much to do in the game besides ranked, free roam when u complete the game, so one of the main element of the game is scuffed if you think about it.

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For the people that don’t like to see it there still would be the option to turn it off. Much like it’s with the horns for example.

Same goes for a voice-chat by the way. We know the option is there because it was permanently turned on at least during races at the release of the game.

Actual chat, yes, with working filters how much of it you want to see: global; friends only; convoy only
and even better, with proximity-based voice chat in freeroam, so no need to take hands off controller.

The real question though is, if Playground even wants players to interact? AAA developers like their games safe and sterile. After all, the best way to ensure no one takes offense in anything others do, is to not let players interact in any meaningfull manner.