:heavy_check_mark:OFFICIAL TEAM THREAD OF Aro Drift Team​:heavy_check_mark:

Currently Recruiting RWD Drifters For FH3.

We are searching for skilled drifters to be a part of our team.

Take a Look at the channel we will be posting the videos on here Youtube

Below you will see what we will doing

The way this will work is that we will street drift through the far skirts of roads of the major cities of the presented country, and when drifting in the major city area. We will focus on a small area of the city roads, to drift on. There will also be touge drifting, where the team will drift on mountainous type roads. For each street/touge drift gathering, we will meet somewhere disclosed on the map. In order to cruise to the drift spot. Anyone who wants to try out, message the leader on Xbox One, or post on here.

Message me at GT stab electric


  1. RWD drifter
  2. Age Will Differ
  3. Active Drifter
  4. Headset/Mic
  5. Talent

If you comment on this post about joining, or message the leader, please include the following: GT Easy as that

Have A Nice Day


Hi mate add me in game

I’m a decent drifter if you wanna slide sometime. Sent you a F/R GT is SWL BEAST

Looking for team im in the 1% on all drift zones and some zones im below 20th

1 Like

yo message me at stab electric

I’m interested in your team. I can also paint. GT: dK88s


interested in joining, check my profile for some door to door tandem and you can judge how I am (im on a wheel)
Gamer Tag: a crusty llama

yo lets get this team up and started

yo we got our paint

guys we will start recording soon

gt : Vehst




Where is this club based out of?

I’m looking for a fun active club. I enjoy drifting a lot but I wouldn’t say I’m at a competitive level right now. I’m mostly looking for a fun group to play with. If I sound like I could fit in my GT is I B00STED I

have mic

ill send you a message on xbox

Are you still needing people?