OFFICIAL TEAM THREAD OF Aro Drift Team:heavy_check_mark:
Currently Recruiting RWD Drifters, Post of Message for a tryout!
We are searching for skilled drifters to be a part of our team.
Welcome to the thread of Aro Drift Team. What Aro offers is Tandem battles, open drifting events, YouTube recording sessions, Competitions/Face-Offs. I will be recording most battles and putting them on youtube. credit will be giving to my drivers It is expected that no members will have beef with other teams. We are a clean team and will see how you are, if its not good then your gone! This is all for fun, 0 tolerance. It is expected that no members will have beef with other teams. I want to build this team up like a family! and become one of the top drifting teams. Anyone who wants to try out, message the leader on Xbox One, or post on here.
We are in NEED of some painters!
There will be tryouts needed to join the team. Make sure you are a RWD drifting and ill test your skill
- RWD drifter
- Age 15+
- Active Drifter
- Headset/Mic
- Talent
Aro Leader/Co-leaders/Members
-sTaB Electric
-Twisted Vargas
-Dirtiest Clips
-NTG Explicit
-QSEE Concept
-Sypher HD
-Ezo Galaxy
-Im Javie
If you comment on this post about joining, or message the leader, please include the following: GT, Country/State, Favorite car, HP range you normally run in, and experience.
Have A Nice Day

Leader of Aro! and here to stay. Stay Sideways !
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So i couldnt help but notice this thread looks oddly familiar…looks exactly identical to my teams thread (Fail Crew). Im fine with using you a similar set-up, but this is a blatant copy of our team thread.
Im sorry ill ask next time. Im just not that good at making post this on here. I liked the layout to
I dont mind you using a similar set-up, but you copied and pasted word for word from our team thread. I’d really appreciate it if you changed it so its not an identical copy of ours.
It’s a pretty generic setup.
Yes, he copied and pasted it, but it’s not like that sort of layout has been used for the past few years or anything.
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If you had time to post you have time to remake this thread. I’m trying to be as nice as i can about this situation because i dont like to start drama on the forums, but you’re better than this. Just change it ASAP man and ill let it go. Copying other teams is not a good way to make friends on here.
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That’s my point. No-one owns the layout, seriously doesn’t matter if your page is similar.
I didnt care about him using a set up that was similar, nor did I say I owned the set up or anything. Just kinda bugged me that he copied and pasted identically word for word from my post. I just asked for it to be changed so it wasnt identical, thats all.
Fight on different post please dont need it here
Putting in an application out of curiosity.
GT: CapnFusterCluck.
Country/State: Texas, USA.
Favorite Car: Depending on the occasion; but I am fond of my Dodge Challenger, Lexus LFA, and Mazda RX-7.
HP range you normally run in: I am comfortable through a range of 400-900 HP, depending on factors such as car weight, tire grip, et cetera.
Experience: Forza Motorsport 2, Forza Motorsport 4 (Participated in some competitions in the team Sublime Drifting as The Ghastface), Forza Horizon, Forza Motorsport 5, and Forza Horizon 2. Got a few years on me.
Dang thats a nice ARO paint job you got there… How’d ya get your hands on that;)
Could I tryout? My gt is KILLeRsPaRtAn88, I’m located in Florida, my fav car for drifting is my skyline gtr r34, my normal hp range is 650 to 900