Team Shoganai is a (20+) drift team that went from Forza 3 to Forza 4 and now 5. Except it’s only me and my co-leader that have an xbox one. We like drifting and we’re both laid back kinda guys.
You don’t need to be Superstar Forza drifter to be on our team, even if you want to learn how to drift and you might want to bounce a few questions of us than you’ve come to the right place!
We started as a driftschool on Forza 3 but we all stuck together so we made a team of all rookies and came out swinging sometimes as the underdogs in drift battles.
So if you’re looking for a just a group of guys that disguise themselves as a team then hit me up!
If you’re a rookie, hit me up!
Ok’ish drifter as far as i know, not the best and not the worst. I have a job as a IT-Technician as of now so week days I’m only avaliable from after 4PM (my time) and weekends I’m available most of the day (most weekends)
Looking for an somewhat active team as in u guys play a decent amount of forza and tandem… i haven’t purposely tandemed but have in public lobbies i would say my skill is average but I’m definitely not bad … gt xhighlitexreelx
Hey there I just got my xbox one and I would like to be in a smaller crew with laid back members you guys seem to fit that perfectly, I could use your help with tune and new techniques to drift as it seems harder, I have been drifting sice Forza 3. Looking forward to hear from you guys.
Hey fellas! I am the co leader of team shoganai. If anyone of you want to get together for some sliding just hit me up. My GT: MacNeezy36 . As AJ said before, we are just a bunch of chill dudes looking to get a crew together to slide around with, with no pressure being put on “battle performance”. Like I said, just hit me up and let me know its from the forum.
I’m a pretty good drifter I use any Skyline, Supra, Mazda Or Nissan Silvia, I usually play Forza Horizon so I was hoping you had a team on Horizon I could join just message me.
I have been drifting since Forza 2 but I’ve been on and off when it comes to drifting. Now im trying to get back into it and trying to learn how to tandem.
Let’s just bump this up because of Forza 6. Same thing still applies!
Team Shoganai is a (18+) drift team that started in Forza 3. Except it’s only a few members have an xbox one. We like drifting and we’re really laid back kinda guys.
We started on Forza Motorsport 3 when we all just wanted to drive dream cars, now we have made the transition into real life. Team Shoganai cars include 2x E46’s (one drift car), 1x Mazda RX7 FD, 1x Nissan Skyline HR33, 1x Ford Fiesta and one guy with a 370Z that doesn’t own an xbox.
You don’t need to be Superstar Forza drifter to be on our team, even if you want to learn how to drift and you might want to bounce a few questions of us than you’ve come to the right place!
We started as a driftschool on Forza 3 but we all stuck together so we made a team of all rookies and came out swinging sometimes as the underdogs in drift battles.
So if you’re looking for a just a group of guys that disguise themselves as a team then hit me up!
Hey, I’m looking to join a drift team.
I play Forza Horizon for a few years as a " Drifter " on the 360.
I hope you guys make a FH team for the 360 so i can join on it.
I guess i can i’m pretty good at tandem n stuff.