Team Shoganai [Looking for new members]

Hey guys and gals,
Welcome to Team Thread of Team Shoganai!

History of Team Shoganai

In 2009 I got into drifting. In 2010 I finally learned how to drift because it’s hard to know the right people if you don’t know where to look. Because of this and with just the starting knowledge of drifting I decided to share it and setup a drifting school. A couple of people joined and we all got better in drifting together. I was currently running with a crew called ZES (which didn’t last more than 4 months) and my “drift school students” were trying out to join ZES too. It became really clear that the leader wasn’t looking at skill or character but if they were valuable, because the only guy to be let in was really good at painting. So I left ZES and formed my own team with my own “students”. Our members are between 18-40 years of age.

Fast forward nearly 6 years and we are unlike most teams on here. Nor are we solely based on games. This team is actually a real life car club now and drift team but because we started on Forza we will always keep our Forza drift team. (which will probably mean free t-shirts and stickers lol).
We also have a secret group & public page on Facebook where all the members just share drift stuff with each other. I will update this thread regularly with new info regarding the squad.

We take all members, good to bad, experienced or rookies.
The only thing is you have to fit in our team.

Reminder to self: apparantly people still drift AWD, this is a RWD crew and we do not accept AWD drifters, but will convert you to RWD if you will let the light of the lord shine upon you in the House of Drift where we worship the god of rubber chuckin’! #rubberchuckerz

Members include:


MacNeezy36 (OG*)
crxbb (OG*)
contract merkin (OG*)

Stealthlocks (OG*)
CR33P IV (OG*)
KoldStonedKilla (OG*) - Inactive
SuCkXmyXBuNz - still on xbox 360, the loser lol

New Members since Forza 6

  • OG stand for Original members of Team Shoganai

Peace! AJ


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Add me I’d love to try out


Ill drift with you guys depends on time zones as im from Australia ill add when i get home if i remember or just add me savkat 420

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I just added you and sent you message through xbox live man! We’ll sort something out with the Timezones.

Hi!!!..if you want i’m avilable, i’m a drifter from fm3 and i’m just start setting the car last friday,i lke your team and i would like to enjoy just for fun ( when the time zone let me) i’m on xb1 every evening
My GT is : Wipe9
thanks a lot…

I like your team guys,i would like drift with you just for fun
Add me if you want GT: Wipe9

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Wipe9 I will be on holiday starting tomorrow but I’ll make sure other members know who you are and are welcome to drift with us anytime!

Hey man would love you join you guys on some forza 6! Just started drifting with my thrustmaster wheel it’s pretty sweet! Add me Major LongShaft. Thanks!

Hey I’m on vacation at the moment and won’t be back for another 2 weeks. My buddy is taking charge for the time being. Add him: MacNeezy36. I’ll send him your gamertag too!

If you’d like to pick up a new member, contact me.
Xbox One GamerTag: Ebolagist
(I have FH2 And FM6)

Hey guys I’m from the UK been drifting since forza 1 but had different account back then hit me up: GT: BlackOutJumperX Also it’s same as youtube channel if you wanna check that out :slight_smile:

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I’ve added all you guys and I will be sending messages out through XBOX Live with futher info! Thanks guys!

I’m interested in joining!

I’m really interested in joining

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I’m sending you a message through Xbox Live, SC Gravy.

I’m interested in joining if you’re willing to take on a noob drifter. Right now all I do is try and fail to do tandems with a friend lol my gamertag is ShadowsRM if you’re interested.

Got xb1 and thrustmaster wheel recently so pretty bad at drifting. I would like to learn how to though. Free on Saturday + Sunday gmt time

I would love to join I’ve been looking for a team and I’m always on send me an add and I’ll try out :slight_smile: may the tandems be with you :clap:

Wouldn’t mind joining been tandeming since forza 4 I’m also doing my first competitive comp this month but I would also like the just for fun side and would enjoy teaching new drifters the basics I use a wheel now but i can still (just about) drift with a controller drop me a message on Xbox if that’s ok :slight_smile:

Any chance I could get a look into your drifting team? Been looking to get back into drifting (havent done it proper since forza 4) GT Cosworthy