Team BlackMagic (BMG)

Hey everyone! So I’ve come down to deciding to make a drift team here on FM5 to get back into things. I was on a few back in Forza 2/3 and I want back into this awesome community so I made BlackMagic drift. My previous team experience was with Team Midnite Run or TMR for short and we had a record of 16-0 before we had disbanded the team back on Forza 2. (If anyone remembers TMR Sidekick that was me)

I want to make BMG a home to all the drifters out there looking for a crew to run with and more importantly as a family than BMG is for you. Contact me at UHR Thorin on the xbox and we can talk about you joining! And we can talk about the car set ups and everything

So below there is a simple application you can fill out and then I’ll contact you shortly!

Years of Drifting-
Do you have a mic?-
Previous teams-
Favorite drift car?-


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I’m probably going to give this a try, but first I have to figure out my schedule for next semester. I don’t want to commit to something I don’t have time for.

But I am interested.

I am interested in joining as well, I remember TMR back in the forza 2 days. I battled against your team once or twice or battled someone from the team, i dont really remember haha, anyway…

Name: theLockableTub
Years of Drifting: Since FM2
Mic: Yes
Previous Teams: DYD, and KMI, which was just a team I ran for a few months. There are others I dont really remember
Favorite Car: Right now its a BMW 1M.

Ill be on consistently starting tomorrow hopefully, getting new internet so itll run faster.

Awesome guys! I’ll contact to you all shortly!

Previous teams-Drift Comp
Favorite Car-Don’t have one right now there are so many cars to tune and test out I can’t pick one till I fine tune most cars

Previous teams-Drift Comp
Favorite Car-Don’t have one right now there are so many cars to tune and test out I can’t pick one till I fine tune most cars

Hey ill be interested to join

Name: Jae514
Mic: Yes
Prv Drift teams: None what so ever. Ive been drifting solo for some time.
Fav Car: The Silvia S15 out of all my cars.

Name: The Bluewhombat
Years drifting: I drifted in FM4 a little bit but mostly FM5
Mic: yes
Previous teams: red bull racing
Favourite drift car: at the moment the 240sx

Name: juicywang42
Years drifting: I drifted in FM4 but mostly FM5
Mic: yes
Previous teams: none, new to teams.
Favourite drift car: at the moment the gtr r33

Hey sounds awesome, Good Luck. when you get your team together don’t forget to sign them up at and battle with the other car clubs.

Thank T0pEnd! We will shortly

And lets drift tonight guys! I’m excited to meet all of you

What time you gonna be on?

Name-cV ViiRuZ
Years of Drifting-since Forza 4
Do you have a mic?-Yes
Previous teams-Flow Nation
Favorite drift car?- AMC Javelin AMX and Honda s2000

Name-cV ViiRuZ
Years of Drifting-since Forza 4
Do you have a mic?-Yes
Previous teams-Flow Nation
Favorite drift car?- AMC Javelin AMX and Honda s2000

name-Zenki Designs

Name- Paddy
Years of Drifting-2
Do you have a mic?-Yes
Previous teams- None, just lobbies with friends
Favorite drift car?- RX7 or Supra

UHR Thorin-- Hey man I got a few questions for you!!
do you play xbox one?
how many people are in the team?
have you ever heard of BlackJack Drifting?
On a scale between 1-10 ( 10 being the best ) how good are you and your team.
Finally, would you be willing to bring your team on over and combine with Conspiracy Theory Drifters? The team is full of the best/top scoring drifters in the Forza Motorsport Franchise. Our leader is KING POSH and he’s the #1 AWD drift tuner on forza. if your interested in maybe coming to a game with some of us from the team to see how we drift the message either me or him on Xbox one to set up a time and day we can do it.
My GT: Toxic Drifting

I hope to hear back from you man! if you guys are pretty good at drifting then we’d be looking toward bringing you guys into our family. :slight_smile:

Name-AntiCranium Boy
Years of Drifting-2 and a half years
Do you have a mic?-yes
Previous teams-no competitive teams
Favorite drift car?-Mazda RX8, RX7-FC and the RX7-FD

Gt: I am Lomaxx
Experience: 4 years
No previous comp teams just tandem for fun
Fav car: 240sx