Team Adventure - Team wins last race and loose championship, how ???

Image below is animated please, look at the score and then who wins …

Surprising to me only ?

Rules changed or new bug ?
Not that I like Team thing, pretty much the opposite, but this is coming at the top of non sense. Either name the guy that won ( absolute rammer I have ever met and I met a lot in that game ), thanks a lot turn 10 to have my avatar congratulating him for having pushed 10 times in a raw trying to get me out, I appreciate a lot … or Blue team won.

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no body has ever seen/met such?

Am I first having detected this or I missed something obvious ?

No you’re not first. I’ve experienced such things before, check this video i made:

This game is a bugfest

This game has some SEVERE desync problems, especially in tight races…

But first I’ve seen desync to be that bad.

I don’t get how such a bug is not investigated, seems quite a critical one.

Anyway, I would suggest quick fix … remove the team thing ! :slight_smile: