Suzuki X-90 1995-1997

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Suzuki X-90


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How’s that this awesome looking SUV Cabriolet doesn’t have more votes?


@KeyBull94192189 I know right? I used to want one of these so bad when I was in school. Cut the picture out of the magazine! :slight_smile:


Back in its prime days and short after new millennium it was one of the most desirable Crossovers. And today it’s almost forgotten.

When I was kid (born in 2000) I had relatively badly made off-brand plastic toy of it. For a significant amount of years I thought it’s Suzuki Vitara. But later I discovered X-90 and realised that’s the car I had toy of.

Hope we get it one day at least in video game.


This one looks like a Choro-Q, but without the big rear tires