Suzuki Escudo Hillclimb Racing 1994-2000

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Suzuki Escudo Hillclimb Racing


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Which iteration do you prefer?

  • 2 × 1.6L Inline-4 Turbo (1994)
  • 2 × 1.6L Inline-4 Turbo (1995)
  • 2.0L V6 Twin-Turbo (1996)
  • 2.5L V6 Twin-Turbo (1997-2000)
0 voters

1998 Escudo Pikes Peak


Must add.

We definitely need this in the game! I remember playing this in Gran Turismo 2, wasn’t it like the fastest car or something?


Fastest Rally Car i’m sure, there might have been faster road cars though

1 Like

This is what he means:


Car has two motors that drive the front wheels and rear wheels independently, what you could do to it in GT3 was hilarious…

I would love to get one to throw the high powered bike engines inside of, or really dream and let me throw two V8’s inside of it lol


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