Super7 game mode

Well tried it for about an hour and got feed up, who thought this was a good thing to add? it’s abstractly garbage.


“B-b-but it’s free! Why are you mad?”

Because it’s terrible, and only reinforces the fact that you have to pay for quality work.

Why is it bad? I like it.

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I have to agree, this is complete garbage. The comunity designs are horrible, this is the first time when I pressed on Dislike in FH4.
Very boring and progression to get those 2 shitty cars is very slow.
This can evolve into something great if they can be placed in races… otherwise it’s just a pile of crap. The Eliminator (which is not great) is 10 times better than this.

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Want to tell us how the points work? So those of us who care less about this can get the most points in the least amount of time.

Harder challenge means more points.

Some real similar things give 200 or over 2000.

BS. I found a lot of easy ones that give more points and very hard ones that gave 200.
So far, I’m farming a drift one (drift like ken or something) where you get 2000+ in a quite easy way.

Anything that ‘pays’ better ?

I think if many people burn the card it’s better, but I am not sure. Some harder challenges gave me over 1000 for sure. Commons ones are for 200.

For instance, wooden cab is for over 1000 and it’s not completely easy. But flying AMC is good too and it’s very easy.

Maybe it’s random :smiley: I just get the new one and easy one for 2700. Maybe after calibration it’s better or just random.

LOL, null car showcase was good.

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1 Mile Drag 447 457 211. 2395 points. Easy. Can’t fail. Thank you Supremelord6134. I made something similar, only 200 points. Makes no sense.

Hmm, got 2351 first time, 2350 second time and 2346 third time. Probably goes up or down depending on number of failed attempts. Third time I did it in auto (I assumed it would be impossible) but you can just about get there even with that setting.

Mine seemed to vary too. I chatted with the guy who made it. He said he made another worth around 4000. I didn’t try though.

Was it his Supra one? Got 2,700 for that. The other ones I’ve tried were 200 points - probably because no one has done them.

wow, will try, I am doing 7 challenge trophy.

some bugs. the quality of the track we get is uneven. the feeling isn’t good maybe it can improve.

Why they didn’t remove speed glitch? Every event with XX EVo is with it and it works differently on every platform. They should path it.

I spent about an hour making a track, but you could go round it, it’s hard to block every direction.