Sunset Pen Free Play races AI cannot race

There is something seriously wrong with the AI drivers using the Sunset Peninsula Full Course. I did a 30 lap race with AI set to level 8 with a Forza Proto-H division as well as an Any/Any 2nd group of cars. In the race cars would randomly break in straights, drive off the track without contact with other vehicles, at least once it appeared one AI purposely drove into another AI and this is the first time that I have ever seen more than 1 car DQ’d.

I race 25-30 lap events several times a week and I have never seen a result list like this:

It’s not only in Free Play, after numerous races at Sunset Peninsula in career mode it became clear to me that AI is very bad at this track in general. Especially in chicanes where I need to dodge cars braking heavily basically on every lap. AI is in desperate need of fine-tuning for this track.

P.S. AI has issues with chicanes in every location, from Le Mans Chicane at Daytona to Bus Stop at Watkins Glen. Terrible things happen in chicanes, especially when driving in a crowd.