Hello, I’ve been trying to access the storefront, auction house and leaderboards but every time I do, a message pops up saying “Feature Unavailable: This feature has been temporarily disabled. Please see ForzaMotorsport.net for more info.” That message also pops up for when I try to gift something and when I go to receive a gift this pops up, “Downloading Gift Error: An error occurred when downloading your gift. Please try downloading the gift agin later.” Anyone else having this issue as I can’t find any information on it. Thank you in advance for any help.
Any help please?
Sounds like you’ve been banned. Have you checked your in game messages? I believe they send a message saying that you’ve been banned for however long. If that’s the case, no one on here can help you and you will have to e-mail T10 directly.
That’s what I was thinking but I’ve not received an in game message which is why I’m confused on why it’s not working.
Has your XBL gold membership expired? I get that downloading gift error message when I’m out of gold…
No, I’ve got gold membership.
Try sending Snowowl a PM, perhaps he can help. It does however sounds like a ban of some sort in which instance your only option will be to contact T10. Best of luck, hope you get it sorted out.
I’ll definitely do that now. Thank you for the help.