That’s Rey. Say hi to Rey. She says hi. She lives/lived on the planet of Jakku, which is like 99.9999999999% desert.
At some point in the movie, she, along with Finn - the guy behind her, say hi to Finn, he says hi - meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca and take the Millennium Falcon to the planet of Takodana to talk with Maz Kanata. Takodana is a planet with many lush forests; upon seeing one, Rey is surprised, saying “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.”
pushes up glasses
(If you’ve never seen any Star Wars movie, just play along)
Ok thanks for that and have watched every starwars film and off shoots made but ye it is a bit vague really. Could have been worse like a scene from 50 shades of gray I guess or something even worse.
I found a solution. I am going to paint all the cars in my garage gray to avoid any confusion. I also get the livery to load for the first car but if I have duplicates then all of them show the first livery loaded no matter what I see on the left in the menu and then when I exit garage it is gray or gray and purple.
Agreed, the problem used to be infrequent and I could get the livery to load by going to the upgrade menu after the track loaded but that doesn’t work anymore. If I browse through ‘My Garage’ at all now one or more cars will fail to load liveries and turn grey. If I continue a race series on to the next event the livery will usually load at that point.
This has been going on for months now… Still no fix, workaround, anything. The entire (already lackluster) design sharing aspect of the game is rendered useless by this bug. I went through and re-applied a bunch of liveries; 2 minutes later they’re back to being gray. It was bad enough that they took a step BACK by not including any kind of storefront system, now this.
Get it together, your game is beyond pathetic by this point