Still can’t see Tune Dowloads and uses, etc in Creative Hub

Why does it continue to be a long standing problem spanning multiple game iterations that you are not able to see the number of downloads, likes, uses etc that a tune gets when you’re looking at the creative hub? It’s doesn’t seem to make sense and is incredibly frustrating. You can see at least some of that info for liveries (though still not all). With the immense amount of features the game has going on, it doesn’t seem like this would be difficult to include. Yet, it falls on deaf ears with every release of the game. Seems stupid. And yes, I’m aware that in FH4, at least, you could go into your garage and try to load a tune to see some of the info. Again, that is a dumb approach. Way too many clicks and ridiculous to do one one tune at a time when you have hundreds out there.


Totally agree with the OP.

Like and bumb up. It’s hilarious how long we’re waiting for a functioning Creative Hub while all the stats needed are being collected consistently. Why not add them to the hub where they belong?

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Finding tune information has always been broken.