Steam : My FH4 can't play, it shows error code E:88-d

Game System : Steam
My FH4 can’t play suddenly, enter Enter or X when entering the game
It will jump out Error code: E:88-d , then quit the game.

like the video below

How can I solve this problem? thanks.

I have found the solution video, but my folder doesn’t have “HOODLUM” @_@
So it still doesn’t solve the problem.

I have solved this problem, the error code E:88-d shows that the save file of the game is corrupted.
I refer to the following website for information.

My solution (Steam):

  1. Go to the folder where Sream is installed:
    Steam\userdata\ (User ID) \1293830\remote
    If not found, the default is in:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ (User ID) \1293830\remote

  2. There are three game archives at the bottom of the remote folder, which are:

    User_xxxxxxxx.ProfileData (game save file)
    User_xxxxxxxx.ProfileBackup (The first backup file of the game)
    User_xxxxxxxx_Backup.ProfileBackup (The second backup file of the game, same as the first backup file)

  3. Please delete the file User_xxxxxxxx.ProfileData , and rename User_xxxxxxxx.ProfileBackup
    to User_xxxxxxxx.ProfileData.

  4. Successfully solves this problem . You can restart Forza Horizon 4 to continue playing with the backed up save file.