Oh well, another thing to add to the list of things that don’t work.
Same problem here, have tried all suggestions listed and cannot get the “photo during snow” box to trigger. Yet another bug issue?
I tried multiple blueprints for this one. It also happened to be snowing when I drove up there today. I tried different spots in the area as well as trying a car that I hadn’t taken a pic of before.
same here…
The only longshot I have left is if I need to use the first car I tried it with but when it’s snowing… as the first and last parts of the accolade requirements are always checked…
Merry Christmas All
Did think i should be a good day to try .I have snow on the windscreen still does not work for me
With Forza Horizon 5 series 4 Update the bug seems to be fixed.
I‘ve create a blue-print which can be used to unlock the photo accolade: 115 006 822
This worked fine for me. Just give it a try too.
worked perfectly! danke werner
Yup worked for me doing someone’s bluprint race. I tried making a Super7 challenge card but this didn’t work.
Mine just worked. Event share code 994 950 402.
Worked for me.
ya its one year later but its just a workaround
it never got fixed and still doesn’t work in free-roam
edit: I just got the STAY FROSTY Accolade in free-roam when I did a photo with the portraitmode giudeline and the avatar on driverseat
Hi All,
Can confirm that the above for the stay frosty accolade works with the above setting
I was able to get this accolade using eventlab share code 348 874 382 1/19/24
Edit : I said BS, that was not how I got it xD
Oh man you’ve made my day. It worked perfectly. Thank you so much.