I had it reset on me because I changed to another car to do an Arcade event, but after exiting the game and coming back to it, it showed my previous progress restored.
Didn’t have to switch to solo mode, but thankfully this worked (and even more thankfully, the 25 trees/canes stuck between sessions (had to shut down and re-load the game prior to getting the snowmen), so didn’t have to re-do those either)
Just want to say thank you!
And if you are hitting a rock into the snowman which breaks it, rewind, and make sure your car is the one touching it.
You can do this online / not only in solo
Just quickly get it done with this ‘cheat’ as getting it done any normal way is next to impossible
Collecting 25 snowmen would be fun if there were more than 5 snowmen to be found. I wouldn’t mind driving around a bit. Having to go back to the same spot as well as finding ways to respawn them is just bad. The rewind way is a nice way to circumvent this terrible design and still get the horn.
Any place else for finding snowmen? I hit all the ones I could find around the crater, I fast traveled to another part of the map and fast traveled back, they don’t regenerate…
This is a little bugged right now, you don’t need to complete it in one session and you can keep using rewind to respawn everything etc. If you complete 25 of something and it goes back to 0/25 and you can’t gain anymore score, don’t worry, just quit the game and start it back up and the accolade should show the 25/25 completed for whichever one was bugged (tested twice with christmas tree and candy cane ticks and both were fixed)
I’ve found 4 snowmen on the summit of the volcano, but they only register hits half the time. Even when they do, it hardly maters since the “mazda” accolade resets every once in a while.