Star Card Showcase Events!

Hello. I cant find different showcases. All five normal showcases are done (I see them in the card as completed).

There are 2 Showcase Remixes in the entirety this month, the first is next winter.


Thank you.

Hi guys. I’m trying to do the Showcase Remix events but don’t see a way to find them. Are they like, the same icons on the map but then they turn into remix versions, or are they completely separate events on the map? If the latter, how do I find them?

They haven’t been released yet. Next week i think there will be a new one.

Wait really??? Wow, I could’ve sword the guys at PG introduced the Remix events on their stream several months ago. Wow interesting. Really thought these were in the game already. Why mention them so early then?

They are shown on the next two seasons. So this week and next week.

I think one already happened. Right around the time they announced them. The remaining are still to come starting next week.

There have been two remixes in the past, but that was before the Star Cards. Now that we have the Star Cards the Remixes have to be redone. None have been released since the Star Cards, one might happen this week about Thursday.

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The Series 12 update starts with a pair of Showcase Remix events:

New Showcase Remix – Assault on the Control Room
The Halo Experience Showcase returns from Series 7 in this remix! Don’t miss this opportunity to re-run the UNSC Fleetcom training exercise in the winter season, as it counts towards your Star Card progress as a Racing Superstar.

New Showcase Remix – Superfast vs. Supersonic
A brand-new remix of the Delta-Wing Showcase, this time featuring the highly-coveted 2017 Ferrari 812 Superfast going head-to-head against the infamous jet pilot on a balmy spring morning. Remember: You need to complete the regular version of the Showcase first to unlock the remixed version.

Today, 6 August, we are in the Summer Season so you will get the Winter one next week, 15 August.

Hopefully, the others will continue in the following seasons.


Er, Autumn will be next week, followed by Winter and Spring.

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That’s because there have already been some remixes way back. They are being talked about again because the new remixes coming up will now count towards your star card.

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Thank you gentlemen for the clarification.

All Showcases except the hovercraft have already been Remixed (albeit before Star Cards were introduced), not just two.

ORIGINAL - Flying Scotsman (Ariel Nomad vs train)
REMIX - Nine and Three Quarters (Ford Anglia (aka Harry Potter 2 car) instead of the Nomad)

ORIGINAL - Halo Experience (Warthog race to LZ)
REMIX - Assault on the Control Room (same Warthog race, just in winter to reference the level in the original Halo)

ORIGINAL - Horizon Motocross (rallycross Fiesta vs motocross bikes)
REMIX - Forest Sprite (Fiesta replaced with classic Austin-Healey Sprite)

ORIGINAL - Delta Wing (Aston Martin Vulcan vs jet)
REMIX 1 - Night Flight (AM replaced with Lamboghini Countach, and at night)
REMIX 2 - Superfast vs Supersonic (AM replaced with Ferrari Superfast) - NEW FOR SERIES 12

The Behemoth Showcase (Toyota Baja vs Hovercraft) is the only one that hasn’t been remixed yet.


Hello. I’ve started to complete my GF star card yesterday and i was on the showcase events (normal ones). I did all 5 again and i’m stuck at 1/5. I was at 0/5 first but after the 5 i was 1/5 so i retried every single of them multiple times and she’s still at 1/5. Can someone help me with that? Have u found a solution?

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I am in the same boat but stuck at 4/5! I have won/completed all 5 twice too.

It’s kind of a crock that they needed to be replayed to begin with.

Anyone know current remix count? I’m showing 2/5, and that means last week and this past week(Halo and jet). Coulda swore there were more since star card release, but whatev’s.

The 3rd and the fourth are this month.

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I’m also stuck at 4/5, have red one all the showcases and it’s still not updating. Plus the 10th business star card, very frustrating!

Didn’t they do the Jet one twice? Once with the Countach, and then again the in Superfast?