Anyone aware of issues with the “Showman” and “The Best Showman” entries not working properly? (I’ve won all 5 multiple times, but Showman is only showing 2/5 and TBS is only showing 4/5).
I had a problem that they were not showing because I was only doing the current Showcase for the Forzathon and it did not seem to count as it’s own, only as a remix. So I did each event other than the remix, then the following week did the Showcase that I could not do the week prior. Now, for The Best Showman, you have to wait for each Showcase Remix event to show on its week. And just make sure you get that last one you are missing.
Now, not every Showcase registered when I did them, for some reason. So like I said, I went around and specifically ran each one again one after the other. I checked after each one and it took till the third one before it clicked that I had run it. Now it is listed as 6/5 for me. lol.
Same… I have 7/5, seems to be broke?
Turns out I had to go back and run the intro showcase from the start of the game (dirt bikes) because I don’t think it counted that initial run towards the star card completion, even though it showed as complete in the map.
Will give that a try, cheers chaps
That was the one for me as well. I had done it a few times as a Remix. Thought I had done it on its own but it had never triggered until I went through them again.
Finally got this one to complete. Had to send a message to support though (got the gamertag, but it didn’t give me the Capri).
Not just got to reach league 10 in ranked adventure, to get that card completed (no chance of completing the superstar creator - no idea how I get photo rank 5, nor am I any good at designs/tunes/blueprints (on 2/5 for the latter 3, and 4/5 for the photo one))
It takes time but it will come eventually. Photos are the easiest, just keep taking and sharing pics. I got mine almost exclusively just from doing the weekly challenge pic.
Tunes and designs are tougher. I got lucky with a couple of good tunes that people liked. Liveries are tougher because they take so much time (for me) and hardly get noticed. But I have never really promoted them either. When I have a good tune, I post it in the weekly thread and some get noticed. There is a whole section of this forum dedicated to paints. So if you have a few good designs, show them off over there.
Blueprints for me are the hardest. Yeah, like with liveries, you can just spam crap designs or just redo ones that are there already. But I don’t care for that method. Other people have commented that you can share/unshare/share and you get points for that. So with enough repeat, you will climb your way up to Rank 5.