Short on credits to recieve bonuses in FM6? I can help!

Hi everyone!

As most of us know, there are prize credits for the start of FM6 if you have 300+ cars in FM3/4/5 and FH1/2. Each game will give you five million credits if you have 300+ cars in them.

I have an abundance of credits in all of these games and in FM3/4, I can give them out to those who need them.

So, send me a message on Xbox Live if you need credits in FM3/4 in order to reach the 300 cars. Let me know how many cars you have and I’ll respond with how much to put a car up for and I’ll buy it out sometime within the next 24 hours once put it in the auction house and tell me which car it is.

Hopefully this helps anyone out there who may be a little bit short on credits in those two games :).


A pretty cool thing of you to do. Hope everyone that needs a little help gets it.

I think I ended up deleting my profiles on xb360 when I ran out of hdd space. Does it have to be 300 different cars or will loads of rabbits do ?not that I think credits will be too hard to come by in fm6.

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No need to feel ashamed WD - I think a lot of us have a big bunch of Rabbits! I know I do.

In theory loads of Rabbits should be good Windswept - I know that’s what I’ve done on Horizon 1 - however the car count on that game is temporarily stuck - so hard to be sure.

I bought some cars on FM3 at the weekend, not a whole load of duplicates but there are certainly some in my garage and the rewards page seems to have updated correctly on that one. Pretty sure you’re good with duplicates.

Thanks guys

Ps, you should bear that in mind RB in case you get any chancers looking for 300 million to fill their garage.

PPS Dear Raceboy, Do you have 300 million so I can build up my car collection

This is an awesome thing you’re doing! (You and anyone else helping)

I’ll have to check FM3 again to see if I have enough. I had at least 200, I know…

People should also be aware the stat on fm4 is not currently reflecting the real number of cars in their garage but more like the number of cars they’ve ever owned. Just worth mentioning for anyone taking that stat at face value.

If they fix it before launch, could be a few upset people getting less reward than they expected. T10 are aware of the issue but whether or not a fix comes in is in their hands.

In reviewing the Rewards site it looks like it’s both FM4 and FH1.

I have 390 cars in my FM4 garage but the site says I’ve owned 585 cars.

I had been buying and selling cars in Horizon to complete the 1000 Club and needed to buy a bunch of Rabbits to get back over the 300 mark. Rewards shows 394.

I agree that T10 is tracking the number of cars you’ve ever owned instead of what’s currently in your garage. I’ve never owned more than 300 cars in the other titles until recently. I may do some buying and selling to see it that’s consistent across The Forza titles or if this is unique to FM4 and Horizon.

We’ll see what happens when they re-jigger the Tier levels but IMHO it would be best if they don’t “fix” the Cars Owned stat until after FM6 launches.

How do we check this? I checked rewards last night and it is strange because I usually fill up my garage - I have the limit in most games…

Check this thread;

Sorry Racerboy - don’t want to take away from what you’re doing by adding more posts about how rewards is/ isn’t working. You should find your answers in here Plautus

No problem, I’m happy to help!

Sorry, no 300 million for you or anyone else :p.

Thanks man, I’m happy to help :).

The more information the better for all of us, feel free to share anything that helps people out :).

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Made sure I had 300 on every game pretty much just FM3/FH1 though my reward credits for FM6 have not gone up from 16.1 million. Hoping they update soon.

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I need to know something, can we still go back to previous Forza titles and increase the cars in the garage to update the amount to be given in FM6?

You still have time, yes.

Edit: I believe that once you redeem those rewards though, any CR you aren’t eligible to earn at that time can’t be earned later.

This is great!! I might be a little short in Forza 3

Let me know :).

I’ll have to check my FM3 and 4 saves, pretty sure there are still CRS credits left on those that i can give out.
Also, am I the only person not driving up my car collection? I will currently get about 6.3 million when i start FM6, and that’s more than enough for me. I like to earn my cars, they’re worth nothing when you just get them. lol
I’ll be starting with about twenty cars plus 6.3 million at least. I don’t need more than that to start off. lol

@Windswept, i’ll see how much i have and can transfer you a load of CRS credits if you want to give some out as well, iirc we had about 3-400million on FM4. lol, god knows what was left on 3, i gave so much away to those who asked! :slight_smile:

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Good point Mitchy,i am getting 20.1 mil in credit with out having 300 cars in every game,more than enough. I don’t get the worring about getting the full 25 mil credits. I will be starting FM6 with more credits than ever before so even if I only earned 5 mil credits I would be good. I might just bank the credits and see how the game works out.

Cheers, ill have to check and see if I still have gamesaves when I get home, but much like you im not too worried about having loads of gifted credits at the start of the game, itll give me something to work for.