Setting up Drag car gears

OK in my other thread i said i was an average tuner. Due to the crash derby going on in race lobbies I have ventured towards the drag car ring to see how i do. I did dabble in this on Forza 5 but to say I sucked at tuning drag cars would be a compliment. However I did some research and have gotten better at the tuning side. I use no assists and am proud I can get my car off the line without spinning [well very little spin]- yay me.

But once I’m going is where I run into a wall. I just can’t set the gears right. I’ve researched and i seen somebody say you want the rpms to drop to your max torque point between shifts for best acceleration.

Somebody please HELP!! LOL Either my rpms are to high or a gear to low UGH… I try to set it up for three gears as i wanna run 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile maybe the odd 8th of a mile. Any tips or plain out how to would be greatly appreciated and let me keep any sense of sanity i may have left. [lol]


I can’t say whether I am doing it right yet or not, but I have been trying to stick with some known manufactured gear ratios. Such as TH350’s, TF727, Borg Warner 4spd. There are a few places if you search that can give you a pretty good ballpark for the right rear, final, drive based on drive tire size. If you want to see how they run, search some of my drag tunes. Again, NOT an expert but they seem pretty quick to me.

*I will add that I also don’t use TCS. The only “assist” would be clutch. I have run most of my cars in both, nit much difference either with or without clutch. They will grip, just don’t full throttle launch. You’ll either burn the tires off or wheelie out of control. Give it some test hits and see what works for you.

Thanks Zepplin I’ll def. check that out. I use no assists but do use manual w/clutch.

Thanks again!

tuning guide

Id check this link out… It’s from gran turismos website, but a lot of General powerband/transmission info is to be had from it. Some of the stuff will not apply to this game, but you will get the general idea of the best usage of power within a transmission.

I try to get my first gear setup before i do anything else, basically if it’s a full throttle launch I’m looking for slight wheelspin (enough to keep it up in the powerband) but not 2 much. Definetly don’t want any bog. After that you need to determine where you will get the highest average of power depending on the length of the track. For instance most 5.9l swapped cars will be a 3 speed in the quarter, depending on weight some may want to be a 4 speed(not so common) .

Some cars espescially when building for lower classes with maximum horsepower and limited traction… Say b class and lower you need to play around with second to keep it from
Blistering the tires into 2 gear. Other than that I’m always trying to keep the car in the highest average power…

One other thing… I use these gears to start with on 5.9l swapped muscle cars (probably the most popular drag cars)

2.73 final
3.73 first
2.19 second
1.56 third
1.27 fourth (for half)

Adjust final gear to fit the quarter with 3 speeds. If your redlining before finish in third lower the final number if your not close to red before the finish raise the final number…

This is very helpful, thank you so much!

I’m just rummaging through some of my old threads, found some of the useful drag tuning stuff. Alot from the guy that taught me how to tune for drag. Very helpful and fast dude, XxDyno DonxX.

It’s older Forzas but the info is still useful. Hopefully it’ll help folks just getti g that drag racing itch. Especially with the Experimental Drag updates coming up.

I REALLY want it to be successful!