Setting up a timed enduro that ends on the completed lap after time runs out.

I need a bit of help setting up a timed endure. It’s going to be a multi-class race (Forza GT and Forza P2) that will run 3 hours. But, instead of ending when the time runs out I want the race to end on the competition of the lap AFTER the 3 hours is run. So a winning time would be like 3 hours, 2 minutes and 16.34 seconds sort of thing. I know some of the settings but every time I try this it always ends with the end of time, not letting us finish the final lap. Little help, please?

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I’m not in front of the game at the moment - can you add an End of Race Timer in Advanced Rules for a Timed Race?

It is not possible to set up a “racing finish” for a Timed Race in Forza Motorsport 7. I recommend instead calculating what a typical race lap time would be, and multiplying that until you reach your planned time limit.

You cannot, the race ends immediately for all players.

OK, thanks guys.

Hey Turn 10, can you please add this???