The Series 6 preview was livestreamed on February 11. The content update was released on February 13 in advance of the Summer season starting February 14.
Seasonal PG games should be fun and more street race seasonals. Is there any chance the old flag rush will make a return? This new capture the flag game isnt fun at all. Alot of sitting around guarding the base
Rip Rod yes but Bone Shaker no. I absolutely hate to be in a lobby with ANYONE driving those. I get lobbies where over 50% are in them and they’re extra aggressive. Its an unfair advantage in A class, in S1 still an advantage
New Feature called Festival Playlist
Showcase Remixes
New Achievements
Wall riding fix “which we had hoped to put in Series 6 has been dropped back to Series 7” because they are making sure they get it right.
Answering a chat question, there will be an opportunity to earn the Capri FE in the future.
Yeah. It has me a bit flustered. Lots of time to get a route right. I thought my entries this time had ones better than the ones I submitted last time.
Specially the ken block ones. Mine were solid with great drivertar performance. The c class winter buggy one I loved racing over and over. I was sure one would win considering the limited entries. More interest in novelty senna tracks with tiny checkpoints than competitive themed racetracks I guess that they didnt even choose winners from entries.
Unless is foreign forums they also went to?
Edit:. I mean, I dont mind losing. I just like to know and compare, understand why so I can come back stronger next time with routes that both challenge but are intuitive to the player. Notably trying to avoid trick corners requiring full track memorization just to complete or clunky forced route that dont flow.
I’ve had it explained to me by Retro …. simply put, we didnt win but 5 guys/gals who didnt enter did …… because they entered the previous competition …… using this incredible criteria, it Looks like St Johnstone still have a chance of winning the Scottish Cup
Well, then I am never entering routecomp again. So I have routes from last one which would have been fantastic. But because I entered, I am invalid from using them. Had I not entered, all my invalid routes would have been valid. Fantastic. Nope. Not entering again. What is the point of being restricted because I am active.
Good thing am at work else I would just be deleting the lot of em. Very very frustrating to keep in non confrontational language.
Edit: My stressed side was wondering now what would happen with community challenge if grassroots was removed…
I sort of see where they are coming from, only if us active peeps from this one also had our previous ones in the pool, but seriously… Better tracks than last time losing to non winners…
Edit 2:. And if they were good, peeps love community events. More stuff like that, get more peeps into the contest for more entries. Promote it. How many do not even know contests exist…
Is there other language support for the forums? A bunch of the routecomp entries never even entered unless they entered without posting on the forum as per rules? Only thing I can think of, is there a non english forum with contests as well? Cause dang. I cannot find some of those winners anywhere. Lots o work for good routes, so would be frustrating elsewise…
Sweet calf, both winters and mountain one by broseff. None of those tracks, nor their username ever posted.
Edit 2:. Or qghosts entry. 5/8 not sure where they are. Has gotta be other language localizations?
just a wee observation …. you would think that the ‘winners’ would be displayed/posted in the original thread for ‘routecomp2 [#sham]’ and not hidden within this thread!? or is that not a good idea?
I am sure there are some who entered eagerly waiting to see the results of their hard work. I’m not so sure they will be impressed with the roll of honour being dominated with bogus entries selected on a ‘judge’s whim’