Send It! Achievment - anyone go a decent Drift tune for the Hoonigan 911

As per title…

Anyone got an easy to use drift tune for the Hoonigan RAUH-WELT Begriff Porsche 911 Turbo…?

It’s the only achievement left to do for 2500/2500 and driving me skatty!!!


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Having the same issue
Cant drift to save myself
Cant find a decent tune as well

I think I have tried them all… best was around 50K so still well short… :frowning:

Also tried Private Free-roam but whilst you get rid of the Drivatars you also lose rewinds…

At least with “Flight of the hoonigan” once you had enough speed with the ramp in sight you could just keep tweaking the line until you landed the jump…

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The best I could manage using a few differnet tunes was about 55k. I then tried “Best drift tune” by 0G420DRIFTS, and nailed it at the second time of asking (would have got it first time, but I missed the end checkpoint and failed before I could rewind!).

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Was just about to recommend this tune.

Set a new PB second try. So easy to drive it sideways.

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I would definitely recommend that tune also AWD is better as this tunes perfect for drifting I was struggling with the stock and I nailed it after a few attempts once I got this tune by 0G420DRIFTS

Yeah, this tune worked for me right out of the box. Great stuff!

hmmm not sure if this helps but here is what I did and I got it 2nd try.

Stock tyres.
Max out everything else.
Put diff 80% to rear, rear accel 100%, front accel 30, both decel 0.

Go your hardest.

I did not change anything else.

Controller with zero deadzones.

Use this tune, totally transforms the car. I suck at drifting and I got it in 3rd or 4th try with that tune.

Traction & Stability control, off of-course.

Maybe it’s just me but I found drifting using AWD is much much easier, no matter which car (/w max. upgrades)

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This is the way I build all my drift cars, and I got the achievement on my second try, even with leaving traction control on.

do you have a tune shared ???

It’s certainly the best I have tried so far… But will have to call it a night on it and try again tomorrow … AAARRRGHHHHH!!!

I have Tried Wheel (various DOR Settings from 270 to 720) and Controller and still keep losing the back end at least once on the run through the zone… Manual , TC and SC off running in different gears, Both ways through the DZ etc…

Another “vote” for the 0G420DRIFTS tune finally got it this morning using the controller rather than the wheel and with Auto Box…

Just checked all the "difficulty "settings…

Brakes - ABS ON
Steering - NORMAL
Traction Control - OFF
Stability Control - OFF
Shifting - AUTOMATIC

It wasn’t a continuous drift rather a number of separate sections each getting around 20K … If it started to go wrong then I would ease off to get it back together then build up some speed before initiating another drift using the e-brake…

I might try it with those settings as much as I hate using automatic
closet I’m getting is 73k but usually around 66k

This is the most undrifty car ever. Lol. It is however one hell of a grip tune. No tuning needed. Drift tune suggested worked well.

Here is one more vote for the tune by 0G420DRIFTS. I am not an excellent drifter, but this tune definitely made a difference. I came close several times, and when I did get it, I set a new PB as well.

Easy. Max the car out including engine swap and drivetrain to 4x4. Then alter the distribution to 80% rear. Got it first attempt. Oh and make sure traction and stability is off as it should be anyway…

Give me the Surfers Jump over the drift challenge any day… Got them both now so I guess it’s easy for me to say that :slight_smile:


For me, there wasn’t much of a difference. Both took a considerable amount of time. I came very, very close quite often on both, but if memory serves me right (and at my age that is no guarantee), it took about 90 minutes for each of these. I found the airport jump to be quite simple, in comparison (less than 10 minutes for that one).

Then again, this is an example, for me, of what an excellent value for money this game has always been and continues to be.