To start off i would like to say that i cannot tune to save my life. I tried it many many times but i always spin out or cant hold a drift. I don’t have the patience either. With that being said i was wondering if someone had a tune for the 71 skyline RWD. When i first came on forza 4 i was taught to drift by a couple people and joined their crew. In the crew garage there was the skyline. Anyways thats not the point. I like a tune that is really fast. I think his tune had something around 900hp. I could be wrong but it was a good bit of HP. He would never tell me the tune tho and now on the leaderboards I cannot beat my scores in that car. Even tho i have a couple years of experience drifting at tis point. I don’t understand it. If someone can give me a tune on here or on xbox that would be greatly appreciated! My GT: xXJUNIOR1937Xx. Thank you for taking your time to read this and have a great day!**
Are you sure the car was rwd and not awd with the power set to the rear cause 900hp is a lot of power for the 71 GT-R even with full weight roll cage and on slicks. If you could handle that car with that power and rwd then I’m sure you could make your own tune.
Couple steps to get started.
Of course build the car to your liking
Find the course you know best
Run that course for at least 2 laps with the stock tune in free mode
save your replay even if you think it’s terrible
Watch the replay with telemetry on until your eyes bleed…or until you remember it good enough which ever comes first
Go back to that course and tune around any mistakes you think you made in test drive, that way you don’t have to start over all the time.
Going from tune to tune is going to be hard because we have no idea how the persons drives that taught you to drift so a tune could be made for that gets more points but you may not be able to drive it. Tuning isn’t rocket science but it’s not that easy either but if you stick with it you’ll find that tune again and this time it will be your own.