Hi guys!! GT - GilbertTyrel
I’m looking for some help with a project. I want to create an arrive and drive style race series, balanced production cars cars with locked tunes, team names and paints etc, with the aim to…. I guess publish in some way?? So anyone, who can find a like minded group of racers
I currently have 5 cars + builds that are relatively close on pace, roughly built as Low A class to promote closer racing, of a similar production date and hopefully all having slightly different characteristics and stronger and weaker tracks:
- 2000 BMW 323ti
- 1999 Ford Puma
- 2004 Honda Civic Type R
- 1997 Mazda RX7
- 2003 Renault Clio
I’m trying to reverse engineer the race length to try and make it so the final lap is close to a crossover point between two tyre compounds, hopefully leading to a greater level of strategy than hopper lobbies allow.
I if I try and do the rest of this on my own, I’ll still be going in 2038 as I really don’t have the know how/skill/time on a few aspects.
Looking for anyone with a bit of tuning knowledge to have a look over the respective tunes, tweaking them where they see fit to give a decent driving experience whilst not making any car OP. Some of the car build may need altering but I’m not sure
Id love to have bespoke team paints made up for the drivers, with the paints matching the race suits available in the game. It will really just consist of a title sponsor being created, along with a matching colour design and any other sponsor layers you have available. I’ve not worked out number boards or any livery requirements out at this point. If I could find 12 guys to help me create teams of two, I think the different themes and styles would make an incredible looking grid
Obviously I’m also looking for people who are just interested in the project in general, whether that’s testing the builds, looking into additional cars that fit the profile of the series and creating builds for that, or even just testing the cars/builds/tunes/race setups etc etc to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I also don’t have a name for the series, so If you have any ideas give me a shout!
And yeah, that’s it, thanks for reading this if you still are ! I’ve always found that forza games, probably more than most, are completely made by their community. So if I can gather all this data, bang it into a google doc, and have anyone from this community work from it, expand on it, I’d consider myself a happy guy! Feel free to hit me up here or my gt GilbertTyrel with any questions, or if something doesn’t make sense, I don’t want to proofread it to check!