Looking for a painter!

Hi everyone, as the thread suggest I am looking for a personal painter for cars. Currently I am driving around with stock painted cars and they look completely boring and dull now! I know a lot won’t like this idea, but I will give out tune per car or whatever tune/car you are need/want in return. I’m sure some painters out would love to see their designs up on top of the boards and as would I !

If anyone is interested feel free to PM on here or even message me online; and I will get back ASAP!

Thanks again guys (Also not sure if this is the right place to put this mods feel free to move it if its in the wrong section)


Hi, what sort of designs are you after?

Best thing to do is take everyone of your cars go into the paint booth and go to “Find Designs” you’ll usually find some great stuff there, I’ve spent a little over 10 mill cr now just buying cars and getting the awesome designs I’m finding in the forums.