FullNietzsche : After watching your video several times, using the TuneSetup M/A gear ,and several times of trying i actually ( bad words from a dictionary ) finally made
3 stars and Season PR event completed with 64.5 Points.
I really really appreciate all your help and guideline by video - and the same goes out to all drivers in this Community.
I’ll will probably search for help at another time, so please don’t say to me: “ that i have asked about this before and i’ll know what to do.”
I would like to see more seasonal drift zones as I quite enjoy drifting, when I am in a convoy with my dad he says I am glued to drift zones lol. Cos I hang around in them.
If I were in charge and someone suggested making one of the Forzathon challenges be completing a Drift Zone, a Speed Zone with more than one turn, a Speed Zone that takes place on dirt, or a PR Stunt with a distance requirement that’s double what it should be, I would have fired him on the spot. This week has three of those.
Actually, contrary to my earlier statement I apparently really like drift PR stunts.
I am quite bad at it, but I enjoy trying to get the target. I think I spend close to an hour trying to get the drift zone right and ultimately I did it with 63k points.
The Hoonigan Gymkhana Escort was my beast of choice for this one.