Good to see you guys back <3
Never really left haven’t seen you in a while though. Had no intentions of doing this but since rabbit brought it up I figured I’d do it right
Oh so my thread isn’t good enough huh… But that op pic thooo.
Never good enough
Nice to see SCS back there Panda, we’ll have to catch up and do some drifting here in the near future. Yes maybe?
Yes for sure
Well how it has been a very long time. I remember a team called SCS from FM2 & 3. I also remember my GT being SCS Legit.
How has my old fellow drift team members been over the last few years? Would love to add you guys and have a chat sometime. Ohh and a drift
i would be down to tryout
Legit my it has been a while. Always a great time seeing everyone after all these years and what everyone is doing with there life
That it is my friend, that it is. I shall search some old GT’s tonight and add some of you blokes
On another note. Looking at the fanatech G920. Anyone know if it’s worth the money?
Yo whats up ive been drifting since forza 3. Interested in joining (trying out) msg me either on here or xbox. Same GT as gamertag
You know it! Dude 3 years without drifting forza. I’m sooooo bad hahahaha
Got some practice in tonight. You guys better get active! I got to remember how to tandem,
Panda… So who is Masada, phenom and infinite? Lol
Hi panda . Why are there two team threads? Haha
Nice to see older teams make a return welcome back guys I have drifted with one or two of you so far I think. I’m always sliding (mostly Friday’s) Hit me up on xbl if your sliding
(GT TUS Chunky)