[APX] Team Apex

Time for a new thread for us for FM7. I haven’t seen any drift team lounge yet so figured it be best to start one here. I think some of the team are still transitioning over to the new console etc but I am more active now. Op will be properly updated soon

You guy’s going to be recruiting at all for FM7?

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Not a clue at the moment, ill speak to the others and see what they say

Im still around Mosh, enjoying FM7 and drifting again. As they do not have a drift team sub forum for FM7, could you add the link to the FM6 team thread in your original post in this thread; that way we can direct team traffic to a more manageable area of the forums.


Surprised y’all are still around seems you might be one of the only ones left.

Ey, how yous doing? Just got FM7 myself and looking for some people to get tandeming with again as it’s been literally years. Drop us a FR and I’ll come drift and that

sup guys

I’m on Fm7 drifintg. Still haven’t drifted with my Apex team members in a while :frowning:

Nice to see y’all are still active :blush:.

I drifz!!! Am I doing this right? Haven’t seen some of y’all since FM4!! Sup guys!?