Saving Designs Help Regarding Rims and Kits

This is something that i have asked also, and it seems that nobody knows the answer too. In fact i have given up worrying about it and now just accept the fact that no matter what i do all of my designs will appear stock to me and everybody else who views them. Very annoying though as i see recommended designs all the time with a full body kit/aero upgrade.

Hi everyone!

I might have a solution for you! Look up my thread:

Forza 5 - Show Your Body Kit In The Design Viewer


Edited: To fix up the link

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Could you re-do that link pls mate, that one seems broken but i would like to try whatever it is you did to make this work ; )

Edit: Nevermind, i found your thread…i think i’ve probably tried everything you’ve suggested so far anyway without success. Might as well leave it & hope its another fix that will hopefully be sorted out at some point but thanks for posting that up all the same ; )

I tried his method and it worked! I think he left out a part that needs to done to get it to work. You need to use the generic filename forza uses for storing your paint, don’t use a custom name until your ready to share. Do what he says using only the generic filename then just rename and share it last. At least that’s what worked for me, it’s much easier if you create a second account because you can’t see if it works on your account.

Look at my 94 honda prelude paint it has wings and custom wheels in the find new designs picture. Or maybe the new update fixed the issue?

Hmm… Wierd. All of my designs were still working with a different file name… :confused:


Yes after more testing I have been able to get it to work with a different filename. The key I think is to make sure you share the file that gets updated when choosing save to car. It seems if you choose save to catalog is when it doesn’t work. In my case I usually have multiple saves for a paint, so you have to make sure to share the one that autosaves.

So far I got it to work on 2 different paintjobs, much appreciated Fred. A lot of confusion is probably caused by the fact that you must use a different account to see if it worked. In any case this is a bug Turn 10 needs to fix, because it’s a pain the way it is.

OK, in being frustrated with this issue and hearing different things, my friend Alpha Tide and I set out to figure this problem out by doing some serious research/testing for this situation and FOUND THE PROBLEM. We will also give simple instructions on how to accomplish your goal every time! It is not random and there is a simple solution. Here’s the REALLY cool thing … As long as you are searching for new designs (not the “recommended” ones) you absolutely SHOULD be able to see it from “YOUR” account. We’ve tested this several times and it’s always worked for us.

Many have stated some or most of this info in different fashions but what I want to be clear about is that my friend and I actually spent more than an hour testing several theories and scientifically proved that this works. Again, we tried this several times and it worked every time without fail!

The KEY is the FILE your sharing! If you try to share a design file that was not just saved to car, it will not work most likely.

We found that there are 3 absolutes here in this situation …
#1) You will NOT see performance, rim or body kits on your shared file if you do not do the painting/vinyls after performance
#2) You need to make sure you are only saving to the car (not to a tune or design file) or it will NOT work
#3) It doesn’t matter if a car was just bought or your modifying/painting an existing one, as long as you “save to the car” the performance upgrades first then “save to the car” paint/vinyl designs, the game makes a file for you to share and that’s the only file that will work to see your performance modifications

Simple instructions:
When you buy or modify an existing car/truck, go modify it how you want to performance first (including any body kits, rims, brakes) and anything else you want. The key at this point is only to (only save to car), then paint or apply vinyls and do the same “only save to car”. When your done , go immediately to “my designs” and there will be a file in the #1 spot (furthest left) even though you didn’t make a design file to share. Take that “furthest to the left” file (please note that you will NOT be able to see the mods in the my designs sections but they will be in the file itself) and share from there. Then go search for new designs and you should see your car with all mods on it.

Hopefully this helps anyone that might be confused. It really is simple and we keep proving over and over that it works. I should state that I doubt if making a performance mod and saving a tune to a file will make any difference as long as #1) you make sure you save it to the car first & #2) you somehow update your painting/vinyl work before again saving to car.

Good Luck!

Hey guys, i was wondering if somone could help me on this matter. Ova the last few weeks ive noticed that the paint designs im trying to share are not being shown with the rims and kits on, i mean when i look at my older designs they are showing up fully customised yet im following the excat same procedure. Ive tried the hard reboot, unplugin from the mains, resetting my router but nothing is working. Its really starting to drone on me now because im a really big fan of the painting side of forza and can easily chew up hours in the booth so i would really appreciate if somone could help me out with some suggestions on what to try next. Thanks.

[Mod Edit - thread merged - MM]

It’s doing the same thing for everyone. Started happening several weeks ago after an update from T10. It’s been reported to T10 multiple times but I’ve not seen any news on when they’ll have a fix for it or even any responses to acknowledge the issue.

I don’t believe there’s anything we can do to fix it … it’s a bug on T10’s side.

Yep, it REALLY SUCKS too because unless you have a paint that works with the stock look it pretty much ruins the overall look of the car. VERY FRUSTRATED about this. PLEASE FIX THIS Turn 10!!! Maybe it’s just me but I see NO reason why it should have been taken out in the first place. :-/

oooohhh ok cool, i guess ill just sit and wait then. thanks 4 the reply mate