Sharing paint designs with custom rims and body kit parts installed ...

Need some help with design sharing. I have some designs to share that have custom rims and body kit parts installed and I want to share them with the appropriate parts and rims … as some of the designs include those parts as part of the look of the car. I know it can be done because I’ve done it before and see designs others have shared with parts installed. But I can’t figure out how to get them up correctly now. I’ve tried all the combinations I can think of for loading, saving, installing, naming, and re-naming the designs before sharing them but nothing seems to work.

Anyone know what the trick is and can possibly walk me through what I need to do to get the designs shared the way I want them to look? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

in the description tell us which aero and wheels to use, thats about it.

pretty sure parts come with a tune…painted liveries dont

They definitely do … or at least did in the past. I have shared liveries on the server now that have installed parts (wings, spoilers, etc. and the exact custom wheels I installed) included. I didn’t really pay that much attention to how I shared them … because I assumed they were always included. But now, when I try to share new designs I’ve just finished, they aren’t being included. Or I’m not doing something right to include them.

Edit: When I say installed parts are included … I’m only referring to external parts that change the body’s shape or appearance and would affect the look of the livery.

If you share your design on a car with your parts installed on it when it’s shared it will show up that way when people search through the designs. It will show what parts are on the car but it will only download the paint and vinyl shapes. If you want you can upload a tune as well but if it doesn’t drive well they won’t use it.

What you’re describing there is exactly what I’m trying to do (and have done in the past) that’s not working correctly now.

To the best of my memory, wheels and body parts have ALWAYS been part of the tune - not the design. Your shared design may have shown with those parts installed in the image represented, but just downloading the design would not automatically install those parts.

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That makes sense … and I didn’t actually expect it to install the parts if someone downloaded just the design. But, I was hoping that it would always show the design exactly as the creator made it … like some of my earlier ones showed up … so that anyone considering downloading it could see it as the creator intended it to look.

In short, you want the thumbnail picture in the SF to show the car with the cosmetic parts equipped. As in, I made “ex1” paint with the splitter and wing equipped to the car and saved the design while those parts were equipped, so in the SF the design’s thumbnail will have that splitter and wing equipped to the car. Correct?

I remember seeing a very similar thread to this one a long while back around game launch. I didn’t follow it to the end to actually know the result of the discussion… Sorry.

Yakov … exactly right. Some of the designs I’ve done either have colors or graphics on the wings/splitters/body parts that are integral parts of the livery and the desired effect is distorted or inaccurate if those parts are not there to see. Same with wheel styles/sizes/colors. In some cases, visually, it makes quite a difference when the thumbnail does not show those parts and only shows the stock wheel styles and sizes.

Maybe I’m making this a bigger deal than it really is … but I spend a lot of time (as we all do) creating these liveries and would really rather see them show up as I intend them to look … lol.

Wings, rims, body kits are part of the tune… There is now way to put those parts on the car for download in the paint area… your pic will have ur parts on their so the downloaded can just go match the parts.

so The tuning area controls what rim, body kit and wings are used.

Appreciate everyone’s comments. Thought I’d follow up and clarify a couple of my earlier comments as I don’t think I really explained myself clearly enough to start.

My original question was only about how to save designs so that the thumbnail image shows the installed external body kit parts and wheels as part of the shared design when people see it in the Recommended Designs menus.

I know that all parts and wheels are part of tunes and not designs and was not expecting any parts to be included when someone downloads a design.

I know that it is possible for designs to show installed parts and wheels. I only have 8 shared designs at this point … and the first 6 designs that I’ve shared ALL have wheels and external body parts installed and ALL 6 of them show these wheels and parts in the thumbnails. I never really paid much attention to how I was sharing designs because I thought that installed external parts and wheels always showed up when designs were shared. However … the last 2 designs that I’ve shared (both in the last week or so) have NOT included the wheels and external parts I’ve installed in the thumbnails.

That was my whole question … to try and see if anyone knew why these parts and wheels aren’t showing now and … more importantly … if anyone knows what steps to take when sharing designs so that they are always included.

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I understand what you’re trying to convey exactly. Saving one’s design did apply all the wheel and body modifications up until a couple/few weeks ago. I’ve even tried up, down, up, down, B, A, START. Nothing.
